Memories (Pt.1)

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Shout out to @LizzieKoshy for requesting this chapter! It was really fun to make, while also a bit challenging! I did my best, I actually like if and I hope y'all enjoy it too!


3rd person:
Fitz blinked his eyes open. He sat up, taking in his surroundings. Where am I, he wondered. Out of the corner of his eye, he spots a figure still laying down. Jemma. Quickly standing, he rushes over to her just as she wakes up.

"Where are we?" She asks, voicing Fitz previous thoughts.
"No clue," Fitz replied, helping her to her feet.

The space was white. Pure white. It was endless and empty. Suddenly, there was a shift in their surroundings. No longer were things white, but a scene appeared before them.
A young boy bounced around two elderly. His face had pure delighted written all over it. His words could be heard if you listened close enough. "Oh thank you, thank you grandma and grandpa. I love it so much!" In his hands he was holding a small kit filled with bits and pieces that could be used to tinker around with. The scene faded away with more squeals of delight.

This time, the boy was a bit older. He was clinging on to the case that held all of the parts. His grandparents were at his side. They were escorting him somewhere. To a building. A school building. The boy looked nervous, but his grandparents tried to put at ease. At last, they had to split up. Both grandparents hugged the boy goodbye, and he was on his way.

The day started off normally. The kid did fine in all his classes, but he was shy. Painfully shy. He walked around with his head down avoiding all contact with other children. Unfortunately for him, that method didn't work for everyone. While most didn't bother him, there was one girl in the class that seemed especially interested in him. She was sweet and confident, and she walked right up to him and said, "If you get rid of this piece the machine will work more efficiently." The boy looked up from his work, surprised. He quickly gathered his invention and pieces in his arms and put them back in their case. Sliding past her, he mumbled a "No thank you" and left for lunch. She simply shrugged.

However, the boy did try her suggestion, and found it had worked better like she said it would. In a blushing, stuttering mess he asked if she wanted to sit with him and they could work on stuff together. She agreed and they immediately launched into the mechanics of engineering and architecture, as well as different methods and projects. A lot of information that was way above what they should know at their age.

They remind me so much of me and Fitz, Jemma thought. But, we met much later in life and I have never been that into architecture. It always had been biochemistry for me.

The scene changed again. The boy was now in his early teens. He stood in a grave yard, staring at two specific graves. Gently, he place a bouquet of flowers perfectly in the middle so it would rest on both. If the outside observer looked closely, they could reconize that those were his grandparents in those graves.

A hand reached out and grabbed his arm, dragging him away. The boy struggled to get out of the grasp, but it was no use.
"Crying ain't gonna bring them back boy. They're gone now. Be grateful that I'm at least giving you a home. I could have just left you with out one. How'd you like that? I'm going to raise you properly. First of all, no more tinkering. It's useless. You're never going to amount to something, boy, give it up. Also, the girl-"
"-Lily" the boy butted in.
"Whatever. You're not aloud to hang out with her anymore. She's a bad influence."
"No buts kid. You live in my house now, you understand?"
The man shoved him into a car, and they drove off, the man laughing manically.

"No one will ever remember the name Deke Shaw, no one. You're just a worthless little thing. And one day, you'll finally learn your place." The man shouted as they sped along in the car.

A sudden realization hit the pair.
They were inside Deke's memories.

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