First Word

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Fitzsimmons oneshot. SPOILERS FOR SEASON 7 (sort of)


"Hi baby," Jemma cooed as Alya crawled over to her legs, babbling the whole way. She was just started to learn how to walk, so crawling was still her preferred method of transportation. Alya also had yet to say her first word, but with the way she made noises all day long the Fitzsimmons hoped she would soon.

Using her mother as a crutch, Alya pulled herself onto her stubby little legs, stilll holding on tightly to Jemma. Having been in the middle of moving some equipment into the basement, this made Jemma's task much more difficult. Though they both had left SHIELD, neither one of them could ever give up their love for discovery for long and so they decided to set up a lab of their own. Fortunately, Fitz was just coming back up from it and so was able to come help her.

"Can you get this little one off me so I can continue my journey?" Jemma called, amusement in her eyes.

"Of course, love," Fitz responded once he got to the top of the stairs, kissing her cheek and lowering to Alya's height.

"Come on you little monkey, you're giving your mother quite a bit of trouble." Fitz took her in his arms and she clapped and giggled.

"Monkey!" Alya repeated, giggle even harder.

"That's right, you're our little monkey," He smiled, booping her nose.

The Fitzsimmons family headed down together when it struck them. Jemma stopped dead in her tracks as Fitz went wide-eyed.

"Did she just, just...." Jemma trailed off.

"I think she did," Fitz confirmed, the same astonished tone in his voice.

"Sweetheart," Jemma said, turning to face Alya. "Can you say that again for mummy? Please darling?"

"Monkey!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, monkey!"

"She's a genius, I knew it," Fitz stated proudly.

"Of course she is. I mean look at her father. With brains like his, she'll be talking all of our ears off in a month!" Jemma told him.

"Ah yes, but you forget her mother. Not only will she be talking our ears off, but she'll also being using the biggest vocabulary words she can find!"

Alya, finding this conversation very amusing decided to let out another "Monkey!" along with a chorus of giggles. Her two parents smiled widely at her, taking her into the lab to show her everything.


Unfortunately, Fitzsimmons were wrong in their predictions. It took Alya two months to be prattling everyone's ears off with her extensive vocabulary, and by that time she could also walk fairly well. She was a bit unstable, but could do it. And Fitzsimmons could not be prouder of their genius daughter.

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