Kiss Cam

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Phil Coulson had finally done it. He convinced May to go to a baseball game with him. After days of begging and pleading and even some attempts of bribery, she finally caved. May agreed to go.

The game was on September 19th. And today is September 19th.

May sighed.

She honestly didn't get the point of baseball. You could be doing something much more productive, but instead you're standing there trying to hit, throw, or catch a ball. What was the point?

But she made a promise to go, so there was no backing out now.

"What to wear? What to wear?" May muttered, rummaging through her wardrobe.

She picked out a pair of jeans and a nice yellow tank top, topping it off with combat books and a leather jacket.

May turns to look into the mirror. I look nice, sort of, she thinks.

"May, it's time to go," Phil knocks at her door.

She runs to open it.

Coulson stands there in shock. After about 3 minutes of starring, May clears her throat.

"Yeah, right. We should get going," Phil mutters, trying to play it cool.

May and Coulson walk into the garage.

"Aren't we taking the Zepher?" May questions.

Phil just smiles and leads her over to a cherry red convertible. Lola. Coulson opens the shotgun door for May, and then walks to other side and gets in.

After about 1 and a half hours of driving, they arrived at the stadium. Phil held out their tickets as they were checked.

Pulling on May's arm, Coulson dragged her to their seats.

Every hit was exciting for Phil, while May sat there in amused. Half-time eventually came, and Phil went to get peanuts for the both of them. Just his luck, he got back right when the kiss cam pointed their way.

May glared, Coulson turned scarlet, and the crowd around them urged them on.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" They chanted.

May got sick of that real fast, and so she grabbed his shirt and pulled his lips to hers. Coulson didn't hesitate to kiss back.

The crowd around them cheered, but they weren't paying attention to them.

"Phil, we are never going to to a baseball game ever again."

He didn't complain.

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