Chapter 66: Goodbyes

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There is a grave on the corner of west and third. It has no name, in particular, all the money was spent on saving its occupant. It is bland, cold, and simple. 

If you listen, I'll tell you how it got there. 

The next five months had come and gone painfully the last three, on Fred orders were spent at home in bed. 

Ilios to her horror wasn't allowed to go to school. She wouldn't be able to stay at Gustaves, she wasn't able to see her beloved aunt. 

It was driving Autumn mad, being chained up in this house all day, with nothing to do. 

Eli had begged and pleaded with every member of his family for weeks.  

No one would listen. 

Why would no one listen? 

Why could no one else see the silence that was driving her mad? No one else hears the music that was crescendoing into a disaster. 

No one would listen. 

Why wouldn't they just listen?

"Gustave," Autumn had said slowly one night as the moon shined down on them through the open window. "Gustave, if I don't-"

"Shhh," Gustave sighed, pushing the thought from his mind. 

"Gustave, we have to discuss this," Autumn said tearily eyed. 

"No, we don't. Elis has been putting ideas in your head." Gustave said bitterly shaking his head.

"Eli noticing facts and stating them truthfully isn't what caused this," Autumn whispered resting a hand on her husband's wet cheek. "Gustave, even if I'm gone. if I'm out of sight. When you look around, there's still good in the world. I'm still there, in your heart." 

"Corny," Gustave laughed through sniffles. 

"Stop," Autumn smiled through her tears. "Remeber when we taught Luke to ride his bike?" 

"I remember." 

"You know how he kept falling, and it hurt him, so he gave up? The bike was in the attic for weeks."

"Autumn," Gustave said shaking his head vigorously. 

"No!" she said starkly "No Gustave I have to say this."

"But I don't know what to say!" Gustave stated firmly right back. "I was going to stay with you forever. Don't even think of saying goodbyes, we've only just gotten started you and me. We'll deal with it when the time comes." 

Autumn let tears stream down her face until her eyes were red and stung with salt. 

Silence settled comfortably between them, Gustave getting her tangled hair gently as if she were some precious gem, hidden to all but him. 

Kissing her lovingly, stopping the words of protest, she slowly gave in to his touch, feeling his hands strong on her waist.

"Gustave," She choked pulling away, "I'm sorry."

Gustave gave a small sad chuckle, "For what?"

Autumn broke into scared sobs of pain, a hand to he abdomen.  

"No," Gustave said rising and running his fingers through his hair. "No, it's too early. No." 

"Gustaves, there's nothing to bed done,"  Autumn said meekly eith a wince sitting up and placing her slippers on. 

"Fred, I'll go get Fred," Gustave said firmly grasping her hands. 

"Don't leave me," Autumn gasped. 

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