Chapter 86: Waiting Again

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Ilios sat by Elis side at the dining table. "Where has Clara gone?"

Eli adjusted his spectacles and set down his book "Hm?"


"Oh," He shrugged, "To her uncle Johns to help her sister settle in." 

Ilios picked up the paper and gave a little sigh. "Imagine, Peter bought out the whole Opera last night. Just for some girl he left sobbing on his doorstep this morning."

Eli shook his head disapprovingly, "He is a conundrum of a man." 

"He bought ever goose in town too! Just because Liane said it makes her happy. What a waste! Mother will give him a scolding for that one." Ilios shuddered. How she hated it when her Mother scolded her, she almost felt bad for Gaston. 

"He's a fool."

"He's amazing!" Ilios remarked, "He's the only one fighting against the suffocating structure of marriage. He's having fun and loves only there on the side. Paris could learn a thing or two from him." 

"And you could learn that love isn't as wonderfully complicated as it seems. It's hard work Ilios, not a silly game." 

"Your right," Ilios said in as vain a voice as possible, Imitating madam Giry, "Love! It is an art." 

Eli smacked her on the back of the head.


"He's back in Paris for good I hear," Wade told his Father.

Erik looked at the boy critically, he was much too thin and much too pale. 

"Is that gold?!" Wade asked him pointing to the paper, "On his umbrella handle there?"

Erik shrugged, "I suppose so." 

"You can have it if you like," Peter laughed appearing in the window. 

Erik nearly fell backward and Wade was quick to run and hide in the closet. 

"Poor kid," Peter said shaking his head, "I didn't mean to scare him. Just to say hello. If I didn't know better I'd say he's been ignoring me." 

Wade's one crystal peered out in the crack of the closet door. 

"Well?" Peter laughed, "Have you been?"

"I haven't," Wade said crossly. 

"Then come on out and play with the rest of us." Peter laughed, "I'm planning on beating Winnie and Ilios at cards if it's the last thing I do."

Wade shook his head. 

Peter sighed, "Well if you change your mind I'll be right here waiting. Lonely and despondent." 

Wade gave a little smile and Erik mouthed thank you as Peter walked away and towards the kitchen. 

"How are you Mamita?" He asked jumping up on Christine's countertop. 

"Off!" She exclaimed smacking him down and with a cheesy grin, he complied. 

"I was just preparing dinner. It's usually Erik's turn to cook but Wades bein talkative today and I want Erik to be there for him." Christine noted. 

"It smells delicious," Peter complimented. 

"Its a pork cassoulet," She didn't turn to look at him but smirked knowing how badly he would blush. "It was simply impossible to get any goose this weekend. Some half entranced lover bought them all out." 

Peter flushed pink, "Now you mustn't mock me. It all seemed very proper at the time." 

"It properly ruined my super." 

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