Vengeance for Subaru

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(Zero's pov) 

i slammed one of the guys we played basketball against a fence.It was Daito the idiot. i growled my eyes dark. it was about 8:00 pm right now and we were at a back ally.

"H-how did you find me!" he screamed as he looekd into my dangerous eyes. "Tell me. Did you guys hurt Subaru?" i growled. "I ain't telling you nothing!" he said confidentally. i growled and punched him in the stomach then threw him into a brick wall.

I kicked him in the stomach when he fell.  "P-PLEASE STOP!" He yelled as he curled up into a ball and shook. he was bleeding bad.

"Hurry up and tell me before i kill you." i said in a bored tone. He had wide eyes as he shook more. "T-Tojiro said we had too! W-We we-were supposed to take over that c-court s-so he could show it off to his girlfriend but...." he trailed off knowing i knew the answer.

I gritted my teeth "All this for that stupid reason?" i growled. i looked at him as my hair covered my right eye and i had a glint in my eye. He shook harder and covered his head. "Please Mercy!" he yelled. "Where do i find him?" i asked.

"t-two blocks down, red house." he said. i put my hands in my pocket and walked away. "Don't tell anyone about this or i'll find you and you'll regret it." i said walking out of the ally.

This guys house wasn't hard to find. There was blarring music coming from the inside. 'why am i even doing this in the first place? I just walked where my feet took me...' i thought.

I opened my phone to see the picture of Zori that i had taken from the photo i had folded. i smiled a little at the screen, remembering exactly why now. I closed the phone and put my hood up as i saw Tojiro walk out of his house.

I followed him like a shadow.  He ended up walking to a liquor store. i waited for him to come out. and when he did i followed straight behind him. "Hey?" i caleld. he turned around. i then surprised him by punching him in the face.

He dropped the bags and went flying into an ally. I saw him looking at me scared as my eyes almost glowed in the dark. 

I cracked my knuckles. And walked into the ally way.

(Ema's pov) 

It was 3:00 in the morning. I heard my phone ring. I groaned and sat up and yawned. i grabbed my phone and opened it. i was temporarily blinded from the brightness.

It was Ukyo. I guess he left early for his case. I put the phone to my ear and answered it as i turned on my lamp. "Ukyo-nii?" i yawned.

"Ema-onee, i'm very sorry for waking you up at this hour but i need you to check on Zero-onee right now?" he said serious. that perked my interest as i slowly got out of bed. "I don't understand?" i said walking fast down the hallway.

"Just please" he asid. i silently opened her door to see her sleeping. i smiled and slowly closed it back. "She's sleeping." i said. he let out a huge breath. "Thank goodness." he said.

"Ukyo-nii is everything alright?" i asked. ".....Everything will become clear in the morning. Again i am sorry." and with that he ended the call. i looked at my screen and slowly walked back to my room.

'What was that all about?' i wondered.

That morning i still wondered when i'd get an answer for last night. Today was Friday. It was only Yusuke,me, Zero, Azusa and Tsubaki, Wataru, Subaru {since hes in the hospital}, and Masomi.

We were eating food that was prepared by Masomi-nii. Zero didn't get up yet. Suddenly Yusuke ran down the stairs. "YOU GUYS HAVE TO SEE THIS!" he said running in front of the tv. we all followed.

"What is it now?" Tsubaki asked as we all lounged on the couch. He turned it to the news. 

'Today's breaking news. A 16 year old man was found in an ally close to Sillouhet Blv. He was terrible injured. The man was also on a wanted poster for past criems.

His name was Tojiro Yutakata. He is being charged with Rape, assault, underage drinking, drugs, and thieft. When police found them he pleaded to be thrown in jail. He also admits to all his crimes. He is also being accused for the beating against Subaru Asahina. He'll be in court next week for his punishment.

Also police are now trying to find out who was the mystery person that took down this criminal-' 

And with that Yusuke muted the tv to see our faces. We were all shocked. Sppechless. But that silence was broken by a loud yawn. 

We all looked at Zero as she walked down the stairs, her hair now in a bun as she wore a blue jacket over a black tanktop and she wore short sports shorts. When she noticed all our looks she looked at us annoyed.

"ONEE-CHAN! GUESS WHAT THE GUYS WHO HURT SUBARU-NII GOT CAUGHT!" Wataru said happily as he danced around. she shrugged and walked into the kitchen.

'Is that why Ukyo-nii was worried about onii-chan??' I wondered. masomi stood up and smiled. "Yusuke, Ema. You guys she head to school by now. And we should all get to work." he said. we all looked at the clock and hurried out of the apartment.

But before i did i went into the kitchen to see Zero-onee drinking water. I smiled, but then noticed her hands were wrapped. i was about to question her until Yusuke pulled me.

"C'mon we're going to be late!" he yelled. i hesitantly went, but took one more glance back at Zero-nee.

(Zero's pov) 

Everyone was gone. I mean everyone! This was the first. No one was home. My hands were a little sore. 'Maybe i over did it last night...' i thought.

 i went to the place where they keep the medical kit and took out some cream and new gauze. It sung a little when i applied the cream and when i exercised my hand by clenching and unclenching it. I carefully wrapped it up. 

i then got a text. i sighed annoyed as i dug for it inside my jacket pocket and flipped it open.

        'Saw the news...your doing? I guessed bcz it had to do wit ur step bro.'  ~Lindy

I texted her a 'yeah'. i sighed and closed my phone as i went back to my room and started doing the finale touches for the clips for the library. We're thinking about having a grand new opening at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday or Sunday.

I sighed as i shaded in the setting of my story.  But i stopepd, not feeling like coloring.

I put my drawing stuff aside and stood up getting ready to leave the house to go work at the library to help get my mind off stuff. 


The pic on the side is how beat up Tojiro looked but he looks way worse. Its just to show you a little bit of the blood. 

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