Thunder storm

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(Zero's pov) 

As i turned around my  eyes widen. All of the siblings were here. My mouth opened a little but no words came out. "We're going to go...that way." Raito said as he dragged his sister away. "So this is what you've been up to all this time." Natsume said. 

"Ne onee-chan why didn't you tell us you were so good in this stuff! You're so talented!" Tsubaki winked. I then glared at them as i grabbed a nearby white board and wrote on it. 

'How long have you been here?' 

"Eh we just got here." Ema said. i sighed in relief that they didn't know about Zori. "Eh what's wrong Zero?" Masomi asked. Before i could write anything, Tet came to me. "Eh Zero what are you doing a lot of people are asking for you." she said patting my shoulder. 

She then looked at the people in front of her. "Ah! Welcome, i'm Tet uh do you know Zero?" she asked. Tsubaki whined about how cruel i was to not even mention them. 

Ukyo walked up and shook her hand. "We're Zero's step siblings. I'm Ukyo" he said. "Step-siblings..?" she mumbled confused until realization came on her face. She faced me and i nodded. i may have told Tet my secret dislike and irritation towards my family. 

She smiled sweetly at them. "W-Well um enjoy the place, please support us." she bowed before taking my wrist and taking me away thankfully. I sighed in relief as i went around and shook people's hands. 

I heard some laughter and looked to see Wataru playing with the goods having fun, some of the older siblings were talking to people who came tonight or were just hanging around. 

Tet called me over and asked me to move a box into the back room which i did. It was a little heavy but i was able to get it, that is until i bumped into someone and almost dropped it but the person caught it. I looked to see Kaname. i scowled. 

"Eh what's with that face baby sister? Aren't you happy to see Big Brother?" he asked with a smirk. I grabbed the box from his hands, kicked him in the shin then walked away. The little ones started attacking him and called him a old pervert. 

When i walked back outside i was called by Iori. I turned to face him. "I'm sorry i told them....we were just worried and i told them that you worked here. I didn't know that this is what you were up to." he apologized. 

I sighed and shrugged trying to tell him whatever.

"Did you do all this?" he asked. i slowly nodded. "You're amazing Onee-chan i would never be able to do this." he said amazed. I didn't say or do anything. "Ne Zero-san." called over a guest. 

He was well-built. He had slick black hair and a white dress top. A little too dressed up for such an event. 

"My name is Kendo Namaki." he said as he took out a card and handed it to me. "We're interested in young geniuses like you. If you ever want to make a name for yourself in doing what you love call me." he said with a smile as he walked away. 

"Wow" Iori said gasping. i looked at the card then threw it in the trash. "Onee-chan what are you doing! You never know if you might want to call him in the future!" He said frantically. 

'I don't care for money. i do it for the cause.' i said through sign. He was confused a little. i pointed at the sign that said 'Help support library and Children's hospital'. He smiled as he looked at me. "You're so kind onee-chan" he said patting my head. 

I glared at him slightly as i slapped his hand away and walked away from him. 

After a couple of hours we finally closed. The siblings stayed to help clean the place up as well as Lindy and Raito. When we finished we were sent out on our way. 

"I'll tell you how much we make tomorrow Zero, but i feel like we may have gotten over 3-4,000 dollars from all the donations. I don't even know how those rich billionaires came or why they came!" she said with a yawn. 

I slightly smiled and shrugged. I waved and she waved back before we all went our separate ways."So is this running off thing going to be normal or you going to leave a note next time?" Subaru muttered to me as he walked by my side. 

The others were in the front chatting away. 

I shrugged. He didn't say anything after that. When we got home Ukyo had told us we needed to go to sleep because we'd be leaving for our trip tomorrow now. I couldn't sleep though. i was restless as i thought about the video i made. 

I tried closing my eyes but still nothing. 

Then an unexpected bang of thunder and lightning could be heard and it started to rain. I sat up and looked out my sliding door to see it was pouring rain. I got out of bed and walked to the glass as i put my hand on it. 

I felt the nice chill against my skin that sent a shiver down my spine. I put my forehead against it and closed my eyes slowly. I remembered when i used to be terrified of thunder storms and Zori would sing a lullaby to help me sleep. 

I used to sing it for her all the time. 

Unexpectedly there was a knock at my door. I walked over slowly but when the thunder boomed there was a yelp on the other side of it. I ran to the door and opened it. I was surprised to see Wataru covering his ears. 

I had a raised eyebrow as i squatted down to see his crying face. He then suddenly shot at me to hug me. "Oneechan!" he cried holding on to my neck. We both fell to the floor, i winced a little. "I-I'm scared onee-chan." he cried. 

'Why come to me then?' i thought annoyed. I sat up and tried to break his grip but he wouldn't let go. I sighed as i gave up. "Onee-chan can i stay here...please?" he cried as he held me tighter when a thunder boomed. 

I looked outside then him. 'Afraid of thunder huh' i thought. "Fine." i mumbled. he looked at me shocked. "Y-You talked!" he said shocked. i took off his arm and stood up i grabbed his wrist and sat him in the bed. 

I tucked him in and was about to sleep on the floor but he wouldn't let go of my wrist. "P=Please don't leave me." he cried. I sighed annoyed. 'This kid is becoming irritating' i thought as i slowly climbed into the bed. 

He cuddled closely. "Big you sing a lullaby..." he asked. "No." i said simply. "Then can you hum one?" he tried again. "Will you go to sleep if i do?" i asked irritated. he nodded. I sighed annoyed as i hummed the song i used to sing to Zori. It was called 'Safe and Sound'. 

Soon enough he fell asleep. i slowly got off the bed and grabbed a pillow to sleep on the floor. I suddenly felt very tired. The memory of Zori singing the song to me began to play in my head as a sweet lullaby for me.

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