The past will always haunt you

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(3rd pov)

While Zero slowly lost conscious and soon was just floating in the water, but in her mind, time was going backwards for her.

Zero began having flashbacks and her first flashback was when her family was still alive. She was 5 at the time and Zori was still able to walk/run around with her at this time.

Zero, the present one, confusingly watched as this flashback play out before her. They were in their crummy apartment. Zero was just on her couch drawing while her parents were out

"Hey nee-chan (big sister) !" Zori called happily. "Hm what is it Zori?" Zero questioned as she she looked at the smiling Zori.

"Let's go play outside!" She asked excitedly. "Huh? Are you stupid? It's raining idiot, you'll get sick again." Zero said as she went back to her drawing. Zori outed cutely.

"But Nee-chan-"

"No Zori."Zero said without looking away this time.

Zori frowned like a child as she stomped off, leaving Zero alone. What she wasn't expecting though was for Zori to let out a war cry while running into the room with a pillow and hitting her off the couch.

Zero gasped in shock while covering her face from Zori's attacks. The present Zero couldn't help but laugh as she watched, clearly entertained.

"WHAT THE HELL ZORI!" Zero yelled angrily as she tried getting away from her attack but Zori laughed and kept hitting her till she stopped all of a sudden and began coughing.

Past Zero and present Zero's eyes widen. "Zori! Zori are you okay?!" Zero yelled as her sister started coughing blood up and Zero looked like her heart stopped.

The present Zero watched with fear as she watched Zori's chest heave up and down while trying to get breath and simultaneously coughing up blood.

'That's right....This was the day Zori got sick' The present Zero thought.

The present Zero was taken to a different flashback.and saw it was her in an ally way. Zero looked to be 10 now. She wore black leather and a mask to hide her face. A guy came by her and she handed him a bag of white powder.

She had resulted in selling drugs for her sister in order to help her parent's pay for Zori's medical bills. However this money was for a different reason.

The old her quickly left the ally way and got on her skateboard before riding to the hospital. When she walked in she saw families with sadden or relieved faces as they sat in different patient rooms.

She then made her way to one closed door. The present Zero stood behind herself as she looked at the door, feeling her heart rate pick up.

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