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A/N: Super late update, I know, and I'm sorry!


I wake up the following morning in a shockingly good mood. I happily get up out of bed and grab my jeans off of the floor, pulling my phone out of the back pocket.

7:00AM. Damn. I'm fucking up early for the first time in my bloody entire schooling career. Jesus christ.

I walk into my bathroom and take my time in the shower. After showering I slip on a pair of clean jeans and a black V-neck, I figured I'd take a break from the usual leather jacket. I pull on my black vans and head down the hall.

All the thoughts of last night with Peaches and the memories of our kiss had me grinning like a Cheshire cat as I entered the kitchen.

"Goodmorning mother!" I exclaim happily. I grab a slice of toast from the toaster.

My mother looks up from the newspaper she was currently reading with shock, confusion and what appears to be slight worry.

"Morning son..." My mother says carefully as she eyes me curiously. Ignoring her suspicious glances, I smile widely as I take a seat at the island and take a bite of my toast.

"Mum! Henry never take out the garbage last night!" Delilah smirks widely.

I think for a moment then I remember. "Oh shit! I forgot. Thanks for the reminder Lilah." I lean over the table and slightly ruffle her hair.

"Are you okay honey...?" My mother asks me weirdly.

I scrunch up my eyebrows. "I'm great." I tilt my head in cofusion. "Why?"

She shakes her head. "Just asking..."

Ignoring her wierd stares, I continue to devour my toast. When I am done, I look up to see Delilah eyeing me suspiciously.


She stares at me, opens her mouth to say something, but after a moment closes it. "No. Nothing..."

Shrugging, I get up from my seat as I hear the honk of Adrians Land Rover. Placing a quick kiss on my mothers cheeck and one more ruffle of Delilah's hair, I head out.

The cool summer breeze hits my face as I open the front door, causing my messy hair to sway a little in the process. I make my way to Adrians Land Rover and jump in.

"Good morning Addy!" I say as I swiftly pull on my seatbelt.

Adrian raises his eyebrows. "Would you look at that. Henry Carter is in a good mood."

He fails to hide his amusement. "And its all because of a girl."

I roll my eyes. "You're crazy. I'm always in a good mood."

"You haven't called me Addy since seventh grade dude." He deadpans as he turns on the ignition. The car rumbles to life and we slowly pull out of my driveway.

I let out a scoff. "That doesn't mean shit."

Adrian smirks and shrugs his shoulders. "Sure, whatever you say... Jamie."


We reach the school in roughly fifteen minutes. When we've parked, we jump out of the car and make our way through the student parking lot and to the school doors.

When we enter, we're immediately hit with the laughter and clatter of the bustling teenagers of Willow Heights.

The crowd splits in half like the red sea for Moses when they spot both Adrian and I. I guess being the Badboy can have its perks. Sometimes...

"So how does it feel like to be inlove?" Adrian asks, smirking widely.

"I'm not inlove."

We stop at my locker first. I dial in my combination and pull out my physics textbook and exam pad. Hey, I'm smart and handsome, see. I'm the full package.

"Hey! Look, I see Valentine." Adrian says suddenly whilst staring ahead causing me to whip my head around so fast, that I doubt it's humanly possible.

He bursts out laughing at the same time that I realise that there is in fact, no grey headed beauty behind me.

"You are so whipped dude!" He manages to choke out inbetween laughs.

I scowl as he wipes away tiny stray tears of humour.

"Oh ha ha ha. Very fucking funny." I deadpan.

"You love me du-"

"Henry babe!" Adrian is cut of by the horrid screeching of a voice I never thought I'd have to hear from ever again. I turn around to see the tall blonde walking towards me.

"Tiffany, what're you doing here?" I ask her in slight confusion and worry. Don't get me wrong, she's beautiful, and equally good in bed, but thats all there is to it.

She batters her long lashes and grabs onto my arm. "I missed you." She pouts. "And daddy got a work transfer so it all worked out perfectly." She smiles widely flashing her evenly aligned row of perfect white teeth.

I met Tiffany Watson while I was on summer vacation with Adrian and his family in LA. Long story short, I was drunk and horny and she was pretty hot and willing to fuck.

"Oh Adrian darling. Its great to see you again." Tiffany says inaffectionately as her latch on my arm becomes tighter.

He scoffs. "I wish I could say the same Bethany." The smirk on Adrians face lets me know that he most definitely knows that Bethany is not her name.

You see, Adrian never liked Tiffany. Something about her being too clingy. Boy was he right.

Tiffany rolls her eyes. "You're such a pain in the ass." She directs to Adrian who folds his arms.

"Atleast I have an ass darling."

Okay, so that has me laughing. What can I say, it's fucking hilarious.

Adrians smirk widens then, suddenly, he grows pale as he stares behind me. "Uh dude. I think we might have a problem..."

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion as I turn around and come face to face with Peaches who's face was a void of emotion. I look down to see Tiffany's jewellery decked hand still wrapped around my arm.

God help me now.

Hi Lovelies!

I'm so so so sorry for the late update. I was so busy with school work, plus, when I had the chance to sit and write, my phone lost the original of this entire chapter, causing me to delay it further. I hope you all can forgive me :)

Anyway, how was this chapter?

Dont forget to vote and comment!

Until next week,


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