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Okay early update because I just couldn't help myself. It's 10pm where I am and tommorow is school but I wrote this instead of sleeping.



The rest of the night went quite smoothly, thanks to Adrian. His childish antics were more than enough to distract my my mother and annoy Delilah for the remainder of the night. Remind me to thank him for that later.

Adrian had called a cab a while ago (I swear I use his car more than he does) and Peaches and I were now in the middle off packing away the dishes. Delilah went to bed after dinner and my mother is in the living room watching television.

"So that didn't go as bad as I thought it would..." I say as I wipe a plate and place it in the cupboard.

Peaches turns of the water tap and raises an eyebrow pointedly at me. "Henry, that was a disaster."

I shrug slightly. "Meh, it could of been worst."

"You're telling me that wasn't the worst?" She asks me with her hands on her hips.

I nod my head with a grin and lean against the kitchen counter.

She comes to stand next to me and rolls her eyes playfully. "What on earth did I get myself into?"

"Well it's too late to back out now..." I grab her gently by the waist and pull her towards me.

"oh no." She scoffs playfully as tugs slightly on the material of my T-shirt.

I grin boyishly down at her. "Guess you're stuck with me Miss Valentine."

She smiles shyly. "I wouldn't want it any other way." And with that, she kisses me. Not a peck, a full on kiss on the lips.

Is this what heaven feels like?

She pulls back blushing and I smile down at her.

Fuck it, I'm just going to go out on a limb here. What's the worst that can happen?

"Be my girlfriend."

"What?" Peaches asks, still in a daze.

Fuck my life.

"Peaches Valentine, will you please be my girlfriend?" I can feel myself start to sweat.

She raises her eyebrows, I'm starting to notice she does this quite often. "I didn't peg you as the commitment type of guy."


Is this what rejection feels like?


"Oh my God Henry, I'm just kidding. Ofcourse I'll be you're girlfriend!" she giggles, hugging me.

I sigh in relief and hug her back. "Oh thank God. I almost had a heart attack."

"Finally! I swear I thought you were gay and secretly dating Adrian!"

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