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I love Saturdays. They're probably the only day of the week that I get to spend more then the usual eight hours of my time on sleep.

So, I'm sure you can all imagine the emotions flowing through me at this very moment, as I am awoken by, none other then my blonde headed best friend's snoring.

I groan as I feel him turn over, his back landing on top of me in the process.

"Fuck my life!" I squint my eyes, tiredness dancing through every bone in my body and push him of me with force. Adrian does a double turn and ends up falling face down onto my bedroom floor with a thud!

"What the fucking hell bro!" He turns over onto his back and rubs his forehead, his hair, scattered in all directions.

I cover my head with my pillow and pull my blanket up to my chest. "You were taking up space." I hear him groan slightly and then, my bed dips.

I tiredly look up to see Adrian back in my bed. This time though, his feet are next to my poor handsome face.

"I swear, if you kick the damn master piece god decided to call my face, I will chase you out of my house and never feed you again for a month."

Adrians frowns. "Why you always gotta be so mean?"

Ignoring his question, I place my head back on my pillow and fall back into the inviting darkness commonly known as sleep.


I woke up around two o' clock. After showering and indulging in a whole stack of my mother's strawberry pancakes, Adrian and I decided to head to the mall.

Yeah, totally not what you all expected, I'm sure, but Adrian apparently has this important date coming up and he was, I quote, 'In dire need of something drool worthy to wear'.

So that is exactly how we ended up in H&M, with Adrian and the young sales person, debating on whether Adrian should take the white button up dress shirt or black button up dress shirt.

"I'm telling you, the white is better!" The redhead, who's name is Mariah, according to her name tag, insists.

Adrian shakes his head disapprovingly. "No. No. No. The black makes my hair pop."

Mariah folds her arms frustratedly. "The white makes your eyes pop!"

"But the black makes me look hotter!" Adrian says as he holds the hanger with the black shirt up against his torso.

The redhead hits her forehead. "You are hot!"

Adrian frowns. "Bu-"

"Just buy the white one for fuck sakes!" I interrupt restlessly.

Mariah smirks triumphantly and grabs the white shirt out of a dejected looking Adrians hands.

"I'll ring that up for you." She smiles innocently and makes her way to the cash register.

"Why'd you have to say the white?!" Adrian complains once she's not near enough to hear.

"Because the white looks better." I deadpan in an obvious tone.

Adrian rolls his eyes. "Obviously. Any fool could see that."

I look at him in confusion. "Then why'd you insist on black?"

He smirks. "Because that got her to compliment me didn't it?"

I stop walking as my mouth forms an 'O'

Adrian laughs as we walk up to the register and pay Mariah. "Its all in the game my friend."

"You're fucked up dude."I shake my head humorously.

He grabs the packet and shrugs amusedly as we walk out of the store. "The girls like it that way."


"So what're you gonna do about the whole Peaches-Trinity fiasco?" Adrian asks as he sips on his Coca-Cola. We're now seated in the food court of the mall.

I scrunch up my eyebrows. "Don't you mean Tiffany?"

Adrian waves his hand in the hair. "Tamato. Tomata. Same difference."

I shake my head at him and place a chip in my mouth. "I don't even know yet. I mean when I tried to make things right with Peaches, she basically said she didn't care."

"She sure did look hurt though..." He says thoughtfully and takes a bite of his burger.

I groan. "I know. That's whats eating me up." I close my eyes and run a hand over my face. When I open them, I am met by the sight of a grinning Adrian.

"What?" I look at him wierdly.

He smirks and leans back in his chair. "Dude, you're so whipped."

I roll my eyes. "I am not."

He laughs. "You are too. You just aren't ready to admit it yet."

"Whatever dude." I say with a sigh.

"In all seriousness though, what are you gonna do?" Adrian asks on a more serious note.

"Send her flowers?" I wonder out loud.

"Too expected."

"Sing her a song?"

"Too cliche. As if climbing her room window wasn't cliche enough." Adrian says absent mindedly.

Then its clicks.

"I got it!"

Adrian looks at me confused. "What?"

I grin widely. "I know just the thing to do..."

Hi Lovelies!

I'm super, super, super sorry for the late update! I currently have school Monday to Friday, plus extra classes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, so most of my time gets taken up.

I also will not be posting from the 1st of March due to my examinations.

On a happier note though, I will be able to post non stop after the 15th of March because apparently thats the day school closes for me.

So how was this chapter?

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Until next week,


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