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When my mother and Peaches were finally finished in the kitchen, we headed back to my room so that my mother could start preparing dinner.

I feel pretty nervous, I have to admit. I've never brought home a girl before, let alone invited her to have dinner with my family, so this is all feels like I'm trespassing on unfamiliar territory. To be be totally honest with you, I'm petrified.

I lay my head on my pillow comfortably.

"You don't have to stay if you don't want too..." I say once we're back in the safe confined walls of my bedroom.

Peaches scrunches her  eyebrows. Something I've noticed, she does quite often when she's worried or confused. "I can go if you want...."

"No that's not what I meant!" I intergect quickly. "Look, It's just that I haven't done this before... It's kind of makes me a little nervous..." I confess.

Peaches raises an eyebrow with a smirk. "I never took you for the shy type." She leans over and pinches my cheek with a huge grin plastered over her face.

I roll my eyes and push her hand away from my face. "You do wonders on my ego, really Peaches." I say in the most sarcastic tone possible.

"Hey, someone has to keep you down to earth." She shrugs and sits back down on my bed.

I pull on her hair slightly. "I'm as humble as fuck, mind you."

"Henry, you're as humble as a peacock." She deadpans.

"Whatever." I mutter. "You might as well start preparing yourself for tonight, something tells me tonight's going to be a long night."


It's about five o' clock when my mum finally calls out to us, informing us that dinner is ready. Nervously, I get up to my feet and make my way to my bedroom door, motioning for Peaches to do the same.

"You ready?" I ask her once we're infront of the door.

Peaches shrugs. "It's just dinner, Henry. It's not that scary."

"Well you've definitely not met my little sister yet then..." I mutter under my breath.

"What do you me-"

I throw my bedroom door open, cutting her off half way. She'll find out  soon enough anyway.

We make our way to the dinning room where my mother was busy setting dishes onto the rectangular oak table in the middle of the room. Delilah is already seated at the table and raises her eyebrow once she spots Peaches walking in behind me.

"You didn't tell me we're having guests, mother." She says, seemingly innocent, but I'm not blinded by her facade. I know without a doubt that the little devil is up to something and it definitely can't be good. With her, it never is.

Great. Now I'm nervous and petrified.

"Oh honey, I forgot to tell you. This is Henry's friend, Peaches." My mother points towards her. "she's joining us for dinner. Isn't that lovely." She says excitedly as she takes her seat.

"Lovely, indeed..." Delilah flashes a smile I know all too well. "It's nice to meet you Peaches, I'm Delilah. Henry's amazing little sister." she extends her hand forward towards her as we take our seats.

Peaches giggles as she shakes her hand. "It's very nice to meet you too Delilah."

Everyone is fairly quiet as we dig into the amazing food that my mother prepared. That is until Delilah decides to open her foul mouth, atleast.

"So... Are you pregnant?"

I spit out the water that I had being sipping in shock.

"Delilah!" my mother gasps, clutching her chest.

I stare at peaches with my eyes wide. She has a look of pure shock on her face and looks extremely uncomfortable.

Well shit.

"What?" Delilah asks innocently, then smirks. "I know you've been sneaking out of you're room at night, probably to see her and why else would she waste her time with you. Yep. She's probably pregnant."

"You've been sneaking out of your room!" my mother gasps again.

"Mom-" I start but she interrupts.

"And you've been sneaking into girls rooms!"

"I can explai-" she cuts me off again.

"Is she pregnant?" she turns to Peaches. "Are you pregnant?! "

"She's not pregnant for crying out loud!" I exclaim raising my hands dramatically.

My mother ignores me and turns to Peaches for conformation.

"I can assure you, I-I'm definitely not pregnant Ms Carter." She manages to stutter out.

My mother clutches her chest in relief. "Thank god!"

I shake my head in exasperation. Of course something weird like this would happen. Remind me to repay Delilah later,  will you?

"Don't think I've forgotten about you sneaking out at night." My mother says after a moment of silence. "We'll be talking about this la-"

"Greetings good family!" Adrians amazing voice rings out through the house, cutting my mother off.

Oh thank the good Lord.

I'm back guys!!

With a short chapter, but I'm back nonetheless (PS I'm so sorry)

I know I have been Mia for a while. Okay maybe for more than a while. I guess I just lost inspiration for this book and didn't really know where I wanted it to go. I spent the past couple of months working on a different book In my drafts (should I post that now or should I wait till I'm done with KWTGG?) and was at one point even thinking of giving up on this one to start a fresh.

But rest assured, I'm back and Henry and  Peaches' story is here to stay. I promise to update soon.

Much love,
Chrissy Maistry❤️

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