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After explaining my ingenious plan of an apology for Peaches to Adrian, he dropped me off at home, agreeing to pick me up outside my house at 01:00am sharp, to carry it out.

So, as soon as the clock struck one, I pulled on a black sweatshirt and a pair of dark washed jeans and once again, jumped out of my bedroom window to find Adrians car already parked in my driveway. I make my way to it and jump in.

Wait, I know what you're all thinking. The badboy doesn't have a car? Well let me tell you, this is no movie where the eighteen year old guy has twenty cars, a penthouse and money practically falling from trees. This is real life and the struggle is real indeed, my friend.

"So you really think this will work?" Adrian questions as he turns on the ignition and starts to drive in the direction of Peaches' house.

I rub my hands together in anticipation. "Yeah. I mean what could go wrong?"

"Oh nothing. She could just, you know, call the cops on us." Adrian shrugs. "Nothing too drastic." He adds, his voice laced with sarcasm.

I scowl, suddenly feeling nervous. "Don't fucking jinx it."

This plan was most definitely a shot in the dark, but its by far the best thing I came up with. It was both equally sentimental and accessible.

Now, with this new found nervousness, my stomach feels as if its an acrobat in a circus performing somersaults repeatedly in the air.

"Sorry dude." Adrian raises one hand off of the steering wheel in surrender.

"Just drive." I command him, my palms now clustered with sweat, which is a nervous trait of mine.

After what seems like an eternity, we finally pull up into Peaches' block. Adrian parks his car across the road, parallel to her house.

"You ready bro?" He asks with a small grin of encouragement.

I run a hand through my hair hastily and sigh. "I guess so." I rotate my shoulders back to release my tense muscles. "Wish me luck."

"Goodluck!" Adrian shouts as I jump out of the car and make my way into Peaches lawn.

I notice firstly, that her bedroom window is slightly open and her purple curtains, parted.

Inhaling deeply, I grab onto the gutter and begin to make my way up to her bedroom window.

The entire journey is blurred by my racing thoughts. When I finally reach the top, I push myself through the window.

Once I'm in, I turn slowly to take in my surroundings. Same purple room. Same black furniture. Same empty bed. Wait. Empty be-

"What the hell are you doing here?"

I turn around to find Peaches standing behind me. Her hair tied in a fish tail and a set of Hello Kitty pajamas gracing her petite frame.

I laugh nervously. "Is it just me or does this seem like an extreme case of deja vu?"

Peaches scowls. "Stop changing the topic and tell me why're you in my room."

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