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My sleep broke around six thirty today. I laid awake in bed day dreaming about Peaches until my alarm rang, signaling that it was finally time to get ready for school.

I dressed myself fast, put on my signature leather jacket and made my way to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good Morning my no longer single son." My mother teased as I took a seat at the island.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a grilled cheese sandwich off the platter that was placed in front of me.

"What do you mean no longer single?" Delilah asked in a suspicious tone, her gaze shifting between my mother and I.

I snatch a sandwich out of her hand, much to her protest, and take a bite of it. "She means that I, my dearest sister, now have a girlfriend."

"I don't believe it!" she gasps.

"If you behaved yourself last night you might've been around to see it with your own eyes." I say pointedly.

"Whatever, you know I could of been worst."

See, I told you.

I stuff my mouth with the last piece of the sandwich and get up out of my seat.

After bidding my mother goodbye, I made my way out of the house and into Adrian's car.

The drive to his house wasn't long at all and I soon found myself pulling up into his driveway to return his car.

I had told him last night all about what happened and I had agreed to drop of his car before picking up Peaches so that he wouldn't have to walk to school too.

I quickly shut off the ignition and jump out of the car and onto the driveway.

I make my way to the front door and knock. Adrian opens it almost immediately, as if he was waiting upon my arrival, with a well knowing smirk.

"Henry and Peaches, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N--"

"Oh, shut your fucking trap." I say shoving him to the side.

He let's out a loud bark of laughter and pats me on the back. "It's about time bro, you've liked her for like forever."

I roll my eyes. "Thanks. Anyway, here's your keys. " I hand him the keys and bid him goodbye.

The walk to Peaches house isn't very long and I reach her house after about fifteen minutes.

It still looks exactly the same, pink flamingo and all. Only now, the flamingo is no longer at the center of the lawn and is now standing in at a far corner where it seems more plausible.

It's only now that I notice she's waiting outside. She's dressed in a knee length baby pink dress and a white cardigan that makes her look adorable and her hair is straightened and left open. She notices me and immediately her eyes light up.

"Hey." I say as I walk up to her. I place a short kiss on her lips and then pull back to gauge her reaction. She smiles up at me shyly.

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