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The first time I climbed Peaches' bedroom window, all because of a drunken dare at two in the morning,  is a memory I'll never wish to forget.

I didn't know it then, but my life had instantly changed, from the very second I stepped foot into her bedroom.

Peaches had managed to change me for the better without the both of us even realizing it.

She made me more...me. I feel more like myself when I'm around her. She makes me smile in my darkest hours and comforts me through my most trying times.

She had managed to wiggle her way into my heart way before we had even properly met.

Something about her, always intrigued me. I had convinced myself it was just the excitement of the unknown and Peaches, she was just the unknown.

But from the very first time we had a proper conversation, I knew I was done for. She had me hooked. Her face, her soul, her mind. She's beautiful through and through.

No one has ever made me feel the way that she has and to be totally honest with you, I don't think anybody ever will.

Peaches is one of a kind, and even if our love is destined to end as just a teenage romance, our memories together will live on in my heart for an eternity.

If I  could go back in time, I would restart my entire senior year in a heartbeat.

I wouldn't of slacked off in school. I would've appreciated my mother much more. I would of pranked Delilah every chance that I had got and I would of spoken to Peaches much more sooner.

I definitely have made many regrets in this past year, but one thing that I don't regret, without a doubt, are my kisses with the good girl.

Okay, it's over now. I promise!!!!

KWTGG has now truly come to an end.

I want to thank you all from the very bottom of my heart for sticking through this hot mess I call a book lol.

This book is a first draft, and I have yet to read it from start to finish, so please don't kill me if there are any inconsistencies.

When I first started this book, I had never planned on publishing it. It was merely just a fun way to pass time during the school holidays.

It took me almost three years to finish this story due to alot of setbacks but overall I'm really glad I stuck through it.

Also this happens to be the first book I have ever completed !! To be honest I didn't think I had it in me.

I will in the near future come back and edit this book. I start 12th grade next year however and will be pretty busy so please don't get mad at me if I take some time away from writing on wattpad.

I love you all!

Crystal, ❤️

Started: 25/12/2018
Completed: 9/11/2020

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