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I groan in frustration. "Yes Tif-I mean Kimberly? What do you want?" I impatiently fold my arms.

"Come sit with me." She pouts. Fuck my life, she looks like a dying puppy. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against girls who pout, but Kimberley, fuck, this girl should just save herself the embarrassment.

I roll my eyes at her. "I already have a seat saved for me. Sorry." Not. I point towards Peaches, who was now staring at us questioningly.

"Now if you'll excuse us..." Adrian interrupts as he steers me in the direction of Peaches' table and begins to walk with me in tow. He suddenly stops and turns back around and grins widely.

"Bye bye Trinity."

Bless this boys soul. I laugh loudly and take a seat next to a confused Peaches, ignoring Kimberly's dumbfounded stare.

"What was that all about?" Peaches questions curiously as she takes a bite of her chicken and mayo sandwich.

"Nothing." I shrug and glance at Adrian, who is currently trying to start up a conversation with Carlotta. I shake my head at his failed attempt.

"Okay..." She looks at me a for little longer, not looking very convinced then shrugs. "Anyway." She claps her hands, grabbing everyone at our tables' attention "Guys, I want to formally introduce you to Henry and his friend Adri-."

"Wait!" Adrian interrupts. "Henry's friend? I thought we were friends Peaches! I'm hurt!" He whines, placing a hand across his heart.

Peaches raises an eyebrow. "Honey, this is the first full conversation we have ever had before." 

"She's right dude." I chuckle in agreement.

Adrian groans. "You're evil." He folds his arms tightly, kinda reminding of a grumpy four year old and leans back in his seat.

Peaches shakes her head lightly. "As I was saying, Henry and Adrian meet Carlotta." She nudges her blonde bestfriend, who smiles at me in greeting and rolls her eyes at Adrian. I laugh and nod my head in return.

"Thats Evelyn." She points to the brunette hidden behind a book. Evelyn lifts her head up and waves before looking back down, totally engrossed by the book in her palms.

Peaches turns to the guy. "He's Rolen." After mumbling a greeting,  Rolen leans forward and fist bumps both Adrian and I, then leans back in his chair.

"And finally, this is Carly." She points to Carly, who was currently taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Hey guys." She says sheepishly and the rest of us laugh.

The rest of our break was spent laughing and joking around. I have to admit, they aren't as bad as I thought.


When school was over, Adrian and I decided that we'd head over to his house to just chill and watch TV.

"So whats up with you and Peaches?" Adrian asks as we pull out of the school parking lot.

I look at him confused. "What do you mean?" Adrian stops the car at a redlight.

He shrugs. "I mean, I know you've already kissed her and we spent lunch with her today... Is she like your girlfriend now?" The light turns green and he begins to drive again.

"We had this conversation before Addy." I sigh deeply. "I don't know what we are."

"You can't keep going like this, you know that right?" Adrian pulls up outside his house. "Peaches probably expects something more. She deserves something more."

I run a hand through my hair. "I know dude, I now."

Adrian smiles and grabs my shoulder. "You've got this dude." He chuckles. "You're the man." And with that, we jump out of the car and make our way to the front door and walk in.

Adrian has one of those simple two-story houses. You know, like the ones you see in all the movies.

"Mum! I'm home!" Adrian shouts as we walk into the kitchen to find Adrians mum scowling with her hands on her hips.

"Adrian Walker Matthews! How many god damn times do I have to tell you not to shout? The neighbours probably can hear you!" Mrs Matthews turns to look at me and her frown immediately morphs into a grin.

Layla Matthews was literally the female version of Adrian. She has sandy blonde hair, bright green eyes and is in good shape for a thirty-something-year-old mum.

"Hi Henry. Hows your mum?" I smile and go forward to hug her.

"Hey Layla! Shes good thanks." I take a seat at the island. "Oh! She told Adrian to tell you hi."

Adrian smiles sheepishly. "Oh yeah i forgot about that."

"Now, what do you ever remember Ady?" Mrs Matthew rolls her eyes as she opens the kitchen cupboard and pulls out a bag of cookies. She passes it to me.

"Mum, I'm your kid. You're supposed to be nice to me." Adrian whines. Mrs Matthew walks over to her son and ruffles his hair. "Oh Addy you know I'm only joking."

"I'll be up in my study if you guys need anything." She chuckles and walks out of the kitchen.

Adrian rolls his eyes. "C'mon lets go to my room. The MacGyver reruns should be on."

Oh, today was definitely a good day.

Hi Lovelies!

I know i haven't posted alot lately. Please don't kill me. I didn't have my phone with me for the last three weeks so i was not able to post. Rest assured though, i am back.

So how was this chapter? A little short I know, but the next chapter should be better.

And you guys finally met the rest of the crew! What do you think of them?

Don't forget to




Until next time!


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