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The next day was boring and quiet. Everything is basically fine. Besides that my wolf side is dying!

If I don't shift soon or atleast balance the two side, I will be stuck as a Vamp. It doesn't seem bad being one thing some may think but it is. If you'r me anyway. I know how it feels to be two species at once. How it feels to basically  have no weakness. How it feels to be powerfull. Even though nobody knows of me, it feels good and giving it up just feels like I would be giving up a part of my self.

Apart of my parents.

Apart of my life.


A few days later I'm just chilling and thinking, as usual, when the door flies open and in walks Jedrek.

"Alpha." I greet but all he does is bang the door behind him and start pacing around the small, making it seem smaller.

"Problem?"  I tilt my head to the side.

"Yes. You!"

"Excuse me?"

"You are my problem. He runs his hand over his military style cut hair style.

"You invade my mind! My senses! My dreams! I'm tired! All I can think about is YOU!" He finally stops pacing and looks at me.

"And you seem like you don't care." If only he knew. In fact, I was thinking about him before he came in.

"I tired meditating. I tried climbing. Swimming. Painting, Running, other women but nothing worked," at the mention of other women, my wolf side flares and even my instincts did a weird thing.

He stops, finally, and looks at me while trying to catch his breath from that whole rant. I stand from the bed and stand before him.

"I think about you too." Is all I say with an emotionless face.

"What's happening to us?" He asks

"Mate pull"

"Ahg, that damn thing." He looks around the room, avoiding my gaze.

"Must be hard staying here?"

"Incredibly." I reply sitting back down on the bed and twiddling my thumbs.

"Come on then." I look up in confusion to see Jedrek at the door. He opens the door and steps out without closing it. I just sit there, staring at it.

A head pops back, looking in.

"You coming?"

And disappears again.

I stand and walk out the door following Jedrek up the stairs and into the cabin/watch room.

"Can't they see us on the cameras?" I asked looking around incase it's a trap.

"I made sure that no one's in the monitor room at the moment." He answers. I would ask how but truthfully, I don't care. I get to go out.

Jedrek walks out the cabin and takes a sharp left. I follow.

The glow of the moon seems to fuel me but also calm me. Cool air blowing at my face, sounds of crickets in the near forest, bats swooping through the night sky. Feels like home.

"Do you want to get caught?" Jedrek whisper yells. I didn't notice that I stopped. I pick up pace to catch up with the Alpha as he marches into the forest. Dodging trees, jumping logs, avoiding mud from a recent rain but unlike Jedrek, I walk beside the trees, jump on and over the logs, walk through the mud. Be one with the earth.

It would feel much better with my shoes of and me running. Speaking of running.

"How do you know I won't just run away." I ask as I grab a catipiler and eat it for all times sake.

"One; you would have already if you wanted to and two,-" he stops suddenly making me almost walk into him with my weak frame. "You don't want to leave"

I frown.

"And how do you know that?" He says nothing as he smirks before turning around and carrying on with his trek through the forest.

Finally, we emerge onto a cliff. Jedrek looks over at me expectedly.

"I heard it wayyyyy before I saw it." I can see the disappointment in his turquoise eyes but not in his face.

"But it's still beautiful non the less" I add on while looking at the waterfall that's opposite us. Jedrek walks over to the cliffs edge and sits, letting his legs dangle freely below him. I follow suit. I've been quite the follower these days.

We sit side by side. Our shoulders just touching. I look over to my right.

"Isn't the other pack in this direction?" I point with my thump as I address Jedrek on my left.


"And there's no fence or anything?"


"Just grass?"

"Amm hmm." He agrees still looking over at the cascading water in front of us.

They must have an alliance with the pack. It would only make scenes.

I look down at the rushing water bellow us and follow the water up the mountain.

"What's on the other side?"

"No man's land."

"Rouges?" Rouges often live and travel in no man's land.

"Not many. They would need to cross this canyon of water first then they would have to face wolves form two different pack."

"Oh. Okay." He seems to be avoiding my gaze and keeping his answers short. I sigh.

"Is there a problem Alpha Jedrek?"

"You can call me Jedrek."

"Okay. Is there a problem Jed?" He slightly  looks at me in his peripheral vision before looking back out at the expanse of water and land.

"No. I'm fine."

"Okay." I chirp before leaning back and looking at the stared sky, the sound of water echoing far from me.

Mr.grumpy joins me.  I then roll onto my side, leaning my head on my hand as my elbow rests on the moist grass.

"Talk to me." I whisper out.

He finally turns his head to look me straight in the eye.

Besides the obvious attraction I felt for him, I couldn't help but recognise how beautiful he is. I might say  he's the most beautiful person I've ever met. That's a lot coming from some who's slept with Leonardo Decaprio back in the day.  His face is the most symmetrical face I've ever seen, every single one of his facial features are at the right proportion and complemented each other aesthetically. The moon casting dramatic shadows on his face. Full pouty lips, strong, sharp jawline. Perfect straight nose leading to turquoise eyes and thick eyebrows. Even his ears we perfect.

Kill me now.

I didn't notice that he had propped himself on his elbow until I felt his warm breath on my face.

We inch closer together. A whirlwind of emotion flowing through me.

Finally, out lips connect and all I can say is...


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