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(Welcome to the second book of Three Mages and The Transformers, I hope you enjoy)

"If fairy tale endings are real... Then where's mine? Bumblebee broke up with me, my band disbanded, I was accepted into a collage hours away from my home, Water left too. Her and I just had a falling out I guess... What did I do to deserve this? I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't do anything. But I guess I can do one thing; write this last entry before I finish packing."

Rouge closed the old, leather bound diary, gently placing it in a box. She looked around her now empty room, it looked bland, nothing but a box and bed frame to fill the space. Her fingers barely touched the pail white walls that had seen pain, love, friendship, and hate, on more than one occasion. Rouge closed her eyes and wiped away the tear starting to form.

Taking in a deep breath she opened her eyes and picked up the last box in the room. She carried it down the stairs and out the door to her new- er, well older truck. It was new to her but it was an old, dented, faded, blue truck. Either way Rouge placed the box in her arms into the passenger seat.

After Bee broke up with her, she stopped all connection with the bots and soldiers. They didn't seem to mind as they all never tried to contact her.

Anti came out and wrapped his little sister into a hug, "we're is so proud of you," he smiled. Sammy was on his shoulder looking as happy as a green eye could be.

"Thanks, where's Jack?"

"With the bots, I know we promised you we wouldn't do anything about your relationship with them at the moment, but Jack heard you crying last night and went to rat that heartbreaker out."

Rouge sighed her smile fading, "of course..." She shook her head, "I should get going I have a long ride ahead of me."

Anti hugged her once more, "well miss. first-septiceye-to-go-to-collage make smart choices, don't hesitate to call us if you need to come home or for anything. Also you better call when you get there!" He pointed at her sternly before they both laughed at his sudden seriousness.

"I will! I will!" Rouge laughed, "I got to get going. Bye you two," she smiled before getting into her truck and driving off.

"Welp just us three now Sammy, isn't that right- Sammy?" Anti looked around and saw Sammy zooming after the blue truck, "Sammy!"

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