The Getway Dorito

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Rouge was the first to react to Alice's words while Bee was in a daze by all the suddeness of Alice being a con. She shot up and grabbed the chair she had been sitting in before pushing Bee out of the way and slamming the chair against Alice. She grabbed Bee's hand, pulling him out of the dorm and towards the exit while Alice recovered.

Bee shook his head as they ran, bringing himself back to reality.

"Bee, why are you even here!" Rouge glared at him as she pushed open the door to a flight of stairs.

"Well I came to tell you that I love you and Galloway told me that I should break up with you to keep you safe--"

"Why the hell did you decide to listen to Galloway?! The person who hates me!"

"I know it was a bad idea!"

"Damn right it was!" She shouted flicking her hand up and a green glow pressed against the door stopping entry.

"I also came to ask-- " Bee stopped his words as he saw a familiar green eye zoom by. "Why is Sammy here?"

"Sammy? Sammy isn't here--" Rouge saw her familiar friend. "Mother of Primus why are you here?!" She looked between the two, "why are either of you here?!"

Sammy zoomed past her and rammed themselves against Bee multiple times as if hitting him. Bee grabbed him gently, putting him into his pocket before grabbing Rouge's hand and dragging her up the stairs as they heard the loud bangs of Alice ramming herself against the door.

The conversion was put on pause as they ran; Alice eventually came through the wall and stayed on their tails the whole time.

Bee navigated through the halls eventually finding a set of double doors and ran through. He expected to hear the common bang of the heavy doors but only found nothing. He turned his head to look and so did Rouge as they both had the same question; why hadn't the door closed

To their horror they found Alice standing there. She held the doors open and stared at them with an menacing smirk.

The three found themselves looking, staring at one another, frozen for a moment. That moment only lasted seconds until Alice ran at them, her arms shot forward becoming long and lanky like a snake trying to grab them.

Rouge shot up her arms in response creating shields that caused bangs as the arms hit against them. Bee quickly ran behind a bookshelf, giving it a solid kick and causing it to fall against Alice, stunning her for a moment and left her injured. He grabbed Rouge's hand dragging her to the emergency exits that led outside onto a flight of metal stairs.

"Get your alt!" She yelled at him with a push to his back as they ran down. Bee looked back at her and nodded, disappearing. She swung back around only to find Alice standing at the door. She jerked her hands forward causing a wall of green to launch forward and ram against Alice but she was too slow.

Alice had swooshed her arms forward hitting against the metal bar so hard that the bolts holding the staircase to the wall to be ripped out.

The staircase wobbled for a second before starting to fall. Rouge reacted the best way she knew how. She jumped off of the stairs quickly creating platforms to catch her. Once stable, her head shot towards where Alice stood to check how close the con was.

Alice's appearance was something from a movie that author can't remember the name of. Her face looked half human and half robot due to her torn skin like mask. Rouge grimaced, it wasn't a nice sight for her Saturday morning but neither was seeing her ex.

"So glad I didn't eat breakfast, " she murmured feeling sick to her stomach by the sight. She knew that if Ratchet heard she hadn't eaten, he would throw a fit. She didn't exactly care in that moment.

She rolled her eyes at the thought before coming to reality as Alice jumped towards her. Her eyes widened and jumped down to smaller platforms until reaching the ground. Once on the ground she started to run.

She ran towards the small closing of trees that laid just beyond the road. Her head whipped side to side, checking the road as she grew closer. Rouge smirked as she caught sight of a familiar bug racing down the street as she ran across it; Alice following suit.

Alice didn't even check the road as she ran across it. If she had checked the road she would have seen Bee, but she didn't. Alice only noticed when she was rammed into letting out a cry.

Rouge didn't stop running or turn to look even if she knew it was Bee ramming into Alice. She ducked and weaved through the trees until she found a clearing and was forced to stop.

She was forced to stop as a dorito landed in front of her and transformed with a sickening smirk. Rouge glared at him coming to the realization that the decepticons had planned today to go a certain way. She didn't know exactly how they planned it but knew that if Alice had gotten her way to make her 'popular', the dorito infront of her had been planed to be the get away vehicle.

"Mangy scum," the dorito scoffed. "Can't even die right."

"Dorito, can't even be a second in command right," Rouge shot back. She transformed into her fighting out that she hadn't worn in a long while.

 She transformed into her fighting out that she hadn't worn in a long while

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(rosey_arts08 is my Instagram art account. I made this piece for something else but it works for this)

She rolled her shoulders as she held her arms in front of her in a fighting stance with her hands glowing a bright green.

Dorito growled and shot at her many times though he never hit her but was hit by her. She hit him multiple times with large green glowing fists she formed in the sky looking like the final boss in Super Smash Bro's. This enraged him more. Being hit was one thing to him, but being hit several times by a human autobot was another thing.

He was focused on her, he tried to land hits and in doing so he didn't notice Bumblebee running towards him until the last second where he was hit.

Rouge quickly stopped fighting and went on the defense. She created shields before Bee could get hit. They were the dream team. Bee being able to move and attack quickly while Rouge was able to create shield in a moments notice.

This fight went on for a few minutes before the sound of many cars coming to a halt in front of them stopped the Dorito from fighting. He cried out in rage before transforming and leaving the area.

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