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Jack stood there, tapping his foot, something he only did when he was angry. Who was he angry at? Jazz. He had brought up the idea and now Jack felt very betrayed.  "Ok, lemme get this straight!" Jack started to say before Anti cut him off.

"But you're gay."

Jack breathed in a deep breath while Jazz felt very joyful all of a sudden, "ok, fucker. Lemme get this squiggly," he glared at Anti who tried not to laugh. "You want to bring us to the fucking person who tried to kill, Rouge?!"

"Well," Jazz held up a finger, "when you put it that way, it doesn't sound so good." He was rethinking his whole plan over the main fact of Jack didn't agree. Jack nodded, feeling somewhat relieved that Jazz was starting to see his way.

"Yeah no shit!" Anti yelled, "Bee, do actually agree with this?" He hoped Bee had actually had some smarts to him but knew he probably didn't considering he left Rouge.

"Optimus'- revival- is- important."

"He's right," Rouge sighed before her idiot brother's could speak. "Simmons isn't able to kill us, but his research could be valuable. "

"You're seriously agreeing with him?!" Anti shouted in utter disbelief. He couldn't believe his ears, she was agreeing with Bee. Bee! What was she thinking?!

"Yes, even after all the crap he put me through I'm not going to disagree with him on this. It's a good idea and honestly I want my dad back!" Rouge's eyes brimmed with tears and the boys noticed, wrapping her in a hug.

Jack did a double flip in his head, on one hand, he hated it and wanted nothing to do with it. On the other, he agreed with Rouge and felt upset to a point about yelling at Jazz. "Then let's get going, " Jack smiled softly while Sammy made the motion of nodding in agreement while Jazz just nodded. It was strange to him, one second he's all for the idea, the next he's not, and now he was for it again.

"It still sounds stupid to me but fine, just stop crying," Anti huffed as if he had realized he looked soft. That was the last thing he needed.

Rouge nodded, determined. She looked up at Bee, "let's go." Bee nodded and transformed letting Rouge climb into the passenger seat before speeding off.


"Rouge, please talk to me, " Bee sighed activating his holoform after 30 minutes of pure silence.

"Fine, nice weather, right? Little chilly for my liking but that's just me. There we talked," she crossed her arms.

"Rouge, you know what I meant-- but it isn't just you it is a little chilly outside, you want my jacket?" He grabbed his jacket, pulling it out a little.

She went to say no but stopped as she looked at it. She suddenly felt cold air from the AC unit making her smile. "Still using that trick?" She joked, taking the jacket and pulling it on.

"Still works, " he laughed before looking at her in his jacket and frowned, "always did look better on you."

Rouge looked away, "flattery isn't getting you anywhere, Bumblebee."

"I don't care, I'll keep shooting my shot because guess what? I still love you, " he said to her as if his mind couldn't be changed.

She was quiet and slowly hugged herself with his jacket. "Bee, I-"

"I know, I hurt you, but I won't ever stop loving you. " He pulled to a stop and opened her door.

She started to pull off his jacket but he stopped her, "keep it," was all he said and she gave a small nod before going to join her brothers.

Anti and Jack raised an eyebrow at the jacket. "I was cold," she shrugged not wanting to talk about it so they made a wordless agreement to drop the topic. Rouge looked at the building and shoved her hands in her pockets, "butcher shop?"

"He always liked pain to other creatures, " Anti scoffed as the three walked towards the shop. He still hadn't forgiven Simmons for everything he did.

Jazz and Bee watched the three leave to the shop, the two of them feeling exactly the same, just about two different people but one of them was to blind to see it.

The three mages looked at Simmons who tensed as he saw the three. "Shop closed!" He announced, shooing everyone out. "Now what the hell do you three want? Wasn't putting my job out of business enough?!"

"No. Now what information do you still have? We know you know about resurrecting," Rouge glared at him.

He scoffed, "I can't believe this," he muttered to himself before waving them to follow. "You three are lucky I kept those documents before they got destroyed."

"Stop acting like you're a hero," Jack glared trying to keep his head straight though his mind was thinking much less straight things. Mainly, would Jazz give him his Jacket or was that weird. Should he ask or was it to forward of a move.

They walked through the back and Rouge almost threw up as she saw all the meat hooks. Jack rubbed her back soothingly and guided her through, letting her close her eyes so she didn't have to see. He also wanted to throw up but he would never say it directly, just a simple mumble of, "I need some hard scotch after this," gave it all away.

They climbed down through a trap door into a room full of boxes of papers and notes.

The three looked around before Rouge gasped in anger and shock as she saw Simmons pull out a cage containing a small bot.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" She yelled, taking the cage and looking at the bot. "Are you ok?" She asked sweetly as the bot looked her up and down.

"I am now, warrior princess," the bot flirted making Rouge back up in disgust.

"Moving on, you got the information on how to revive a bot?" Rouge switched subjects.

"Yes I do," the bot winked and before Anti or Jack could lung at him Rouge covered the cage in a blanket.

"Good. Now Simmons give us any other information and we'll leave."

"Well if you would of let me explain Ms. BumbleBitch," Anti growled at Simmons words. "Chill it Glitchy, now as I was saying, if you would of let me finish you would of know that this bot knows how to wake up bots and I know where to find a bot that knows how to revive bots." Simmons rolled his eyes.

"Oh," Rouge put the cage down. "Where is this bot?"

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