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Before Optimus and Rouge stood the once presumed dead, Megatron.

Megatron looked at Rouge with a smirk, "language, my little power source. "

Rouge glared at him, she hated when people told her to watch her mouth. Given the only people who were brave enough to say it to her was Optimus, Ratchet, Captain Rogers, and now apparently Megatron. She hated them for it.

"First of all, I am not a power source let alone yours," She sassed. "Second of all, why can't you just stay dead? And third, fuck you!"

Optimus was going to say something about her language but decided it wasn't the smartest idea so he let her be.

Megatron's smirk faultered into a grimace. "Give me the mage, Optimus."

"Never," Optimus snarled, his arm transforming into a blade. Megatron followed suit as he transformed his arms into a sword and a blaster.

Rouge changed into her suit and jumped from Optimus' hand onto a platform.

"Run, Rouge!" Optimus shouted as he dodged Megatron who had opened fire on them.

She wanted so badly to disobey but somehow, this one time, she ran. She never ran from a fight unless it was going to do more harm than good.

Optimus watched her for a moment before being brought back to reality by a punch to the face. He turned back around to fight, the only thing keeping him going being his child who was going to be killed if he didn't stop Megatron.

Rouge ran and ran for what felt like hours but in actuality was 20 minutes. She turned around seeing if anyone was following her only to find nothing, not even a breeze to accompany her.

She caught her breath before slowly starting back towards Optimus hesitantly. She found herself after 15 minutes, looking on at the horrid sight.

"DAD!" She screeched running towards him crying. She got a few inches away before a familiar bug picked her up, transforming and racing away. "NO, BEE LET ME GO TO HIM, PLEASE!" She cried looking through his back window as her father figure laid motionless.

"He's gone- Rouge!" He said through the radio causing the girl in the back of his alt to scream in sadness and crumble.

It was quiet as they drove, the only noise coming from Rouge's muffled cries.

"Galloway found out about what the decepticons wanted, he wants to run some tests on you and your brothers to see if he can make you three into super weapons. Don't worry, Jazz is grabbing your brother's and we'll meet up. Basically Jazz and I are going to get you to a safe location so he can't find you. Lennox is gonna talk to him..." Bee explained trying to break the silence but as he was met with nothing, he turned his holoform's head to see Rouge had cried herself to sleep.

He sighed before looking back at the road and continuing to drive until he met up with Jazz.

Jazz didn't even opened his doors to let Anti and Jack out before the two jumped out of the windows and ran towards Bee's alt. Anti almost ripped the Bee's back door off as he opened it. Jack pulled out the quiet Rouge.

Rouge looked like a zombie. Her eyes were bloodshot and her body slouched. "He- he's dead," she whispered sounding horrified.

"We know, fire-star, we know," Jack whispered holding back tears of his own.

"He told me to run, I should of stayed, I could of protected him," she cried softly.

"I don't know, we just need to stay strong for dad right now," Anti soothed, holding his siblings close while Jazz and Bee transformed with sad looks.

The bots pulled off from the group to talk a bit about what was happening and what to do.

"Hey, Bee," Jazz started to say, his optics glowing with realization.

"What now?" Bee looked so tired and upset at the loss of their leader.

Jazz frowned at his reaction but shook his head deciding to expand on his thought. "Remember Simmons?" Bee went to cut him off but Jazz stopped him, "thank you for answering that question, but yeah, he knows a lot about Cybertronions. Wouldn't he know how to revive one of us? Hmm?"

Bee tilted his head, "yeah but what about Ratchet?"

"We can't get to Ratchet right now with possible killing those three," Jazz pointed at the three siblings. "I don't want to risk losing any of them." It was true, he didn't want any of them hurt, but something inside of his spark hurt at the thought of Jack hurt or worse.

"Ohhh," Bee realized the point he was getting at.

"And because we keep tabs on everyone, we know his last whereabouts. "

Bee looked at Rouge's crying form before looking back at Jazz- who was much more focused on Jack for some reason unbeknownst to him -with determination. "We'll go in the morning. "

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