Bee explains

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Rouge carried her first box into her new "home" aka her dorm that she shared with somebody. "Welp, this is home," she sighed putting down the box on the bed farthest away from the window.

"Hi, I'm Alice!" A girls voice squeaked as they walked into the room.

"Hi," Rouge responded in an 'leave me be, I'm not one for talk.' Apparently the girl didn't get it.

"What's your name?"

Rouge rolled her eyes and acted like she didn't hear her as she walked out the door to get the rest of her stuff. Alice huffed in annoyance but either way tried to calm down when both girls felt the same way; loathing.


Rouge hung up a picture of her and her brothers on the wall. Alice looked at it, "who are those cuties?" She asked.

"My brothers and also off limits," Rouge glared slightly as she finished up her half of the room. "Just like my stuff."

"No need to be so defensive," Alice rolled her eyes. Rouge got a good look at her. She was tall, slim, curvy, her skin was fair, plump lips, long, straight, blonde hair, and blue eyes full of loathing and lies.

Rouge didn't trust her one bit. But she never really did trust anyone after Bumblebee broke it off and her band said it would be a good idea to spilt up, when in actuality they had found a better band to join. She only trusted her brothers at this point.

She did give people chances, but not often enough for you to be hopeful to get one. To get trust, you must gain it.


Bumblebee sulked sadly in his alt while Jazz glared slightly at him.

Jack had just left the base after giving all the bots an update on Rouge. They were proud to hear she was in college, but disappointed when told she wouldn't be coming back home until December for Christmas. Jack also chewed Bee's ear off which no one objected to.

The conversation went a bit like, "Bumblebee," Jack sighed finally quieting down. "Why? Why did you break up with her?" Bumblebee looked at him curiously. "I want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

(Its not going to bee's regular text for this)

Bumblebee let out a quiet breath, "Galloway told me to do it. He said if I didn't she would be in even more danger. I love her but if giving it up to keep her safe was what I had to do, then I'd do it... I don't want her getting hurt. I know, I know, 'but Bumblebee she's already caught up in the war,' I know. She doesn't deserve this, no one does. Rouge has so much hope for the future, did you know she wanted to go into musical theater? I don't want her hopes to be ruined because I was selfish..."

"Bumblebee you're extremely stupid for listening to Galloway, he hates Rouge with a burning passion and wants to see her crumble. But, you weren't being selfish because you were dating her, you loved her." Jack rubbed his forehead, "You have to tell her that and apologize. You also better hope she hasn't moved on. She's already at college so you might want to work quick."

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