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Bee drove quickly to the college Rouge was located at. He drove and drove, not caring about anything. He had turned off his comm but left his emergency line on.

Rouge was sat on a bench softly singing Burn from Hamilton. "I hope that you burn~."

Alice walked over to her with a dramatic pout, "Isn't that song a bit dramatic? You'll never be popular if you keep being a moody theater bitch."

Rouge sighed, "this may come as a surprise to you, but I'm not hear for popularity. I'm here to learn."

"You're no fun, " Alice huffed before perking up like a dog who saw a treat. "But they look like fun." She smirked before fixing her bra, hiking up her shorts, and pulling down her shirt to show cleavage.

Rouge rolled her eyes, "what are you talking about ya whore?" She grumbled before blinking a few times as she noticed Anti's tendencies rubbing off on her. She shook her head before looking up and seeing Alice flirtatiously walk over to a black and yellow mustang.

She closed her book with a small snap as the pages hit one another. Her eyes were filled with heartache and anger. She stood up and walked off towards her dorm, mumbling an excuse about the sun being to hot.

Bee watched her, slumping in his seat before jumping slightly as he heard a tap on his window.

He turned to look only to find boobs and Alice trying very hard to be seductive; it wasn't appealing. He found himself trying not to gag as he rolled down the window.

"Hey," Alice said fluttering her eyelashes flirtatiously. "I'm Alice."

"Ben." He said to her, looking away as to not vomit.

"Wanna go to my place and have some fun?" She gently pushed his head to look at her.

Bee pushed her hand away, "um, no thanks, I'm actually looking for someone. Rouge Septiceye?"

Alice's face dropped into annoyance, "oh, her."

"You know her?"

"She's my dormmate," she suddenly smirked. "Why don't you and I go to the dorm and wait for her?"

Knowing this was his only chance to see Rouge, Bee agreed getting out of his alt only to have Alice pull him along by his belt loop.

He wasn't a fan of this treatment but he let it go only for the main fact that Alice was taking him to Rouge.

They reached the dorm and Alice gave him a wink before opening the door and guiding him to bed.

Bee didn't notice Rouge in the room for a moment as he wondered how to say no to this. He eventually figured it out, "no. I'm here to talk to Rouge, not for this. "

Before Alice could respond Rouge spoke up from her corner. "Good, because I really didn't want to see my ex and my dormmate go at it."

Bee's face lit up at her voice but before he could speak she spoke again.

"Hush it. Don't get your hopes up, I'm not happy to see you."

Bee tried to speak but he couldn't get any words out before Alice spoke.

"Well I am, why did you ever let him get away? He so handsome. "

"Hands off," Rouge glared.

"Why? He's not yours anymore."

"Because it's sexual assault."

Alice went to say something but Bee finally cut her off, "CAN WE JUST TALK?!"

Rouge sighed, "fine."

"Not fine," Alice said as she stared at the autobots insignia on Bee's jacket and the necklace he wore that Rouge once had but had thrown at him the day they broke up.

"What?" Rouge and Bee said in unison with confusion.

"Guess today is my lucky day. I was sent to kill the little septic autobot, " Bee moved in front of Rouge protectively making Alice smirk, "but I guess I get to also bring back the head of another autobot to Megatron."

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