The Risen

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Rouge opened her eyes with a small whimper as she sat up, sore. She glanced around and saw nothing more than darkness, that was until she looked beside her and saw Jack and Anti.

Her eyes filled with worry as she shook them awake. Jack groaned and sat up followed by Anti. "What happened? Where are we?" He asked confused.

"My children, you are between life and death," a voice boomed around them. "You have made a noble sacrifice today, your power in exchange for your sire's life."

"Who are you?" Anti snapped holding his siblings close.

"I am Primus and don't worry you have nothing to worry about. No need to fear. "

Rouge looked up at the voice, "what now?"

"You have a choice, you can live or you may join me in the after life but only one of you can live."

She opened her mouth to say something but Jack and Anti stood up, "I'll join you," the two said and Rouge burst into tears.

"No! You can't! You can't leave me alone!" She cried realizing the two wanted her to move on with out them.

"Rouge," Jack sighed hugging her tight, "you'll be ok, you'll have dad and Bee and Jazz and everyone on base--" his heart broke more saying Jazz's name.

"But not you two! Please don't leave me!"

"We'll never leave you, we just won't be there physically..." Anti tried to sooth. The two hugged her tight and tried not to cry.

"Anti is correct, they will never truly leave your side...but we have to leave now Rouge, we will meet again, but not for many years," Primus calmed and Rouge stopped crying but instead felt herself start to disappear.

"No! Please! I love you!" She yelled.

"We love you too," Jack and Anti said with a gentle smile as they watched her fade out.

Jack panicked for a moment, "Rouge! Tell Jazz I love him!"


Her eyes open and she saw Bee, "Bee," she whispered softly, raising her hand to touch his cheek.

"You're alive!" He cried out and on instinct went to kiss her as his body was filled with such joy but he stopped himself.

"Oh just kiss me, you blubbering idiot," she said tears flowing down her cheeks. He kissed her passionately and she kissed back. They pulled away and she saw Optimus and Lennox and Epps. "They're gone," she whispered holding back tears.

"We know," Lennox whispered back gently and she nodded. Lennox looked over at Jazz who was sobbing over Jack's body.

"Dad, " she whispered tears flowing freely as Optimus pulled her into a gentle hug.

"Oh my little femme," he whispered sorrowful. "I thought I lost you too."

The group looked at the two sadly but those looks twisted into ones of fear as an explosion was set off near them. The fight was far from over.

Though Rouge had risen once more from her cold slumber, there was one who must fall.

Optimus' holoform disappeared and Bumblebee left Rouge's side for a moment. He put a hand on Jazz's shoulder. Jazz looked up at him and Bee gave a nod, their holoforms disappeared into the wind and their forms rose from the ground.

Lennox and Epps stood up and wasted no time grabbing weapons and prepping for a fight.

Rouge looked around with worry, fear creeping into her heart, "I can't do this, not without them," she whispered to herself.

"You aren't without us," she heard Jack's familiar voice in her ear.

She held back tears, "I still can't do it..."

"Yes you can, you're stronger than you look," Anti's voice soothed. "Now chin up, don't let the crown fall. You can beat them."

Rouge took a deep breath and her green magic swirled around her as her clothes transformed into battle wear. "Dont leave me..." was the last thing she whispered before leaping into the air and towards the fight.

Bumblebee caught sight of her and his optics widened, she shouldn't be fighting, she just narrowly escaped death. Something inside of him however knew she would survive and it calmed him for the most part but it didn't stop him from wanting to protect her.

The fight went on for a solid few minutes until everyone seemed to freeze, good, bad, or whatever, they just froze.

Megatron transformed and his peds hit the ground with a loud boom. His eyes whipped around and when the locked on to Rouge he zoomed forward.

"Your energy, it shall resurrect the true leader of the decepticons," he declared sounding as if he had lost his damn mind. "He is the one that shall extinguish these pesky autobots!"

"The Fallen," Rouge whispered horrified. She readied her weapon and slashed the air, sadly, she was just a second off from hitting Megatron's hand. She started to panic and her eyes and body started to glow green.

He grabbed her tightly though that hadn't lasted long as a blast of energy soon was sent from Rouge. It rippled through the area and when Lennox looked down at his walkie talkie, found it was malfunctioning. Any and all devices seemed to malfunction after that, even the bots felt it and if the bots did, what's to say a hidden one wouldn't.

Megatron smirked as the ground seemed to shake and a pyramid seemed to start crumbling as if something had awoken.

"He is awake," Megatron declared and Rouge's eyes widened, in her state of panic, her energy overloaded and exploded, she revived the fallen.

"Oh fuck," was all she said.

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