Thank You

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Athena woke up to the sound of knocking on her front door.

She fell asleep at the table again after trying to finish another book. Her face showed that she had not slept, and an intense migraine greeted her the moment she became conscious.

The knocking was louder and more aggressive the second time.

"Coming!" She called out in pain. The banging on the door caused the pounding in her head to intensify. 

After getting the energy to stand up and go to the door, she pulled it open and  grabbed her head in pain. She came face to face with Levi.

As he came inside and she made her way to the kitchen sink.

Levi examined the mad mans table that sat before him. It was littered with books and what looked like hundreds of papers.

Needless to say he was disgusted.

"How are your... studies?" he asked barely being able to contain his discontent with the scene.

"They're going." Her voice was quiet.

Levi turned to see her hunched over the sink. "Hoffen, what's gotten into you?"

She turned around to face him and barely opened her eyes. "I'm fine, it's just my head..."

She winced at the sight of the sun pouring through the windows.

"...and the light."

Levi rolled his eyes. "Sleep deprivation is not a good way to help you, or more importantly, us."

"Erwin gave me a deadline and..."

Levi got into Athena's face, and looked directly in her eyes. She saw the anger in his eyes flicker, even if only for a moment.

"Did I stutter?" He growled.

His words shot through her veins like bullets. While both men were scary to her, Levi seemed to be a little more... frightening.

She nodded frantically. "Yes sir."

Levi stood there another second longer, studying her face. He gave a soft smile as he stepped away.

Athena slowly backed up from him, and made her way upstairs to her room, where she slept  for the first time in several days.


By the time Athena woke up again, the sun had almost completely disappeared behind the rolling hills.

She trotted down stairs to find Levi in her study. He was drinking tea and looking outside of the window.

His jacket and cape were draped over the other chair in the room. He did not even notice her come down the stairs.

She started to shake as she bowed. "Thank you sir." She was more afraid of Levi than she liked to admit. 

He didn't even turn towards her. It was as if the sunset had engulfed his senses.

Athena noticed that all of her books and papers were neatly stacked...

...and that the kitchen was spotless...

"Did you?..." she questioned.

"Yes. I cleaned the filth you were in. You are welcome."

Athena was shocked.

"Come join me for tea. It's on the stove and still fresh." His voice was more of a demand than an offer, so Athena complied.

After pouring herself a cup and making her way back to the study, she took her seat across from Levi.

Within a half an hour, the night began to creep up. The light was dying out, so Athena lit several candles to put in the study, and around the house. 

"I guess you and the commander are alike." She smiled as she spoke.

Levi turned his head from the window in confusion. "What?"

"He said he liked the quiet up here. He said that you guys don't get to experience a lot of it..." Athena yawned.

Levi rubbed the back of his neck. She was right in the sense that her house offered a kind of escape from the heavy weight of their work. He felt like he could let his guard down and enjoy a sunset...

"Yeah..." As he spoke he realized that Athena had already fallen asleep in the chair.

He rolled his eyes and picked himself up from his chair. He shook the shoulder of Athena to wake her up.

Her eyes shot open and she began to apologize. "I'm so sorry. I'm just so tired. I'll go back to work I promise! I am-"

"Shut up." Levis words were cold, and Athena immediately stopped talking. 

"I'm telling Erwin to give you a few more days. No sense in you reading those things if you're not going to be able to stay awake long enough to tells us what you know."

Athena was shocked for a moment and the only thing she could say was "Thank you."

Levi nodded and grabbed his things. A few moments later he was gone, and Athena was left surprised.

Maybe Levi wasn't as frightening as she thought.

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