Would You Like Some Tea? *

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Hanji watched as Erwin and Levi mounted their horses.

"Could those guys in the capitol cool their pants for more than three seconds? They must really want your heads on a platter."

"They really don't want us to figure out whatever was on those documents." Levi replied.

Erwin's voice cut through the cool morning air. "Levi and I should be back at sundown. It all depends on if they want to beat us down in front of officials, or string us by our necks."

"I'd like the rope at this point." Levi groaned.

Erwin returned with a dark and brooding expression.

"Sundown?" Hanji asked. "What if you aren't back by then?"

Erwin and Levi turned their horses. "Assume we're dead."


Athena paced the floor of the small room she had been staying in. The smell of soot and smoke surrounded her and filled her lungs. She was trying to keep her mind from the fire..

The burning...

The smoke...

The house...

Her Failure...

Everything was gone and it was all her fault-

Hanji knocked on the door.

Athena stopped her pacing and turned to face her as she came through the door. She bowed her head slightly out of respect and Hanji bowed back.

"Levi and Erwin were called into the capitol for official matters. They should be back by sundown." She stated in a matter-of-fact way.

"For what?" Athena replied.

Hanji laughed. "Good question kid. Could be trial for treason, could be something as mundane as a signature. The big wigs like the shroud of mystery."

"...are they in danger?"

Hanji's smile faded slightly. "You do know what we all do for living is fight Titans correct?

"You know what I mean Hanji. Recently it feels like the most dangerous things in the world are within the walls."

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