Is She?...

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Levi had his feet propped up on his desk with Athena's file resting open in his hands. The old photo was still pinned to the few sheets of information they had for her.

He set the folder down with a sigh, and pulled his feet off the desk. Propping up his elbows on the desk, Levi let his forehead sink into his hands. His stomach twisted as her let his mind wander. He ran his hands through his hair. 

He tried to focus on anything else in the room, including the intricate designs in the wood of his own desk. 

He looked back to the old photo of Athena. 

Levi had studied the picture many times before, and somehow never tired of it. The weeks in between seeing her in her home he would spend looking at it. It was a kind of guilty pleasure, though he refused to admit it.

He's not wrong, you know..

Levi's thoughts were quickly interrupted by Erwin swinging open his door.

"What do you want pretty boy?" Levi laughed.


"Listen, I know. I'm sorry too. We got a little heated on the road and-"

Erwin shook his head in confusion. "Levi no, we have to-"

"We have to what? We just got back, and I'd like to sleep at least one day this week."

Erwin then shouted in frustration, "They took her! She's gone!"

Levi slowly stood up in shock. "What?"

"I don't know how, but they got in. She's gone."

"Are you certain?" His voice became more urgent.

"We both know that she's not one to go about the grounds taking in the scenery. She knows she  is in constant danger."

Levi began to raise his voice out of anger and worry. "Who let her out alone?! We told Hanji!-"

"We need to go, and we need to go now." The serious tone of Erwin's voice pierced through his ears.

Levi nodded and both men left the room in a hurry. 


Erwin ordered Hanji to round up the troops, and to get them on their horses as fast as possible. 

They began pouring out of the base through every enterance to get to the stables. One after another, they mounted their horses and fell into formation.

Within a few minutes the entire scouting legion was ready to head out, but many were confused. 

Erwin was never one to rush things. They had never had any kind of emergency, and they were not used to action without a plan.

In the front row, on their horses, were Mikasa and Armin. 

Levi trotted his horse over in front of Mikasa with a fire burning in his eyes.

"Captain!" the two saluted with pride.

His fire bled into his words. "Aren't you the one who follows Yeager around like a lost puppy?"

Mikasa and Armin were taken aback for a moment.

"I'm not sure what you mean sir?" Armin asked.

"He was resting." Mikasa answered calmly.

"He's also the reason why our only hope for humanities freedom was kidnapped without a trace." He hissed.

Both of them looked to each other in confusion, hoping to find answers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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