Why so Alone?

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Erwin had finally almost worked himself to death.

His eyes were bloodshot, his mind ached, and it looked like he hadn't eaten in days. Never the less, he still found the energy to make the trip up to Athena.

If he were honest with himself, he would realize that this visit was the only thing getting him through his rigorous work. The only thing he kept reminding himself was that it wouldn't be much longer until he was surrounded by the peaceful tranquility of the isolated home and the sweet woman he was growing closer to every visit.

Erwin found her in her backyard. Her hair was tied back with a scarf and she was wearing a blue apron over a brown dress.

He found her talking to a lot of chickens.



"Come here chickies!! I gotta whole lot of grub for you guys!"

Erwin sat back and watched her as she threw out feed from a homemade basket. She poured out the seeds to the whole flock, throwing it up into the air just to watch it fall to the ground.

She was laughing and wore a beautiful smile on her face.

"Am I interrupting?" His low voice cut through the air and made Athena jump.

She swung around and caught eyes with the commander and her face lit up red.

"Commander! I finished everything you gave to me and-"

Erwin held up a hand as if to tell her to stop talking.

"...do you like them?" She scuffed the ground with her boots.

He gave a slight nod and let out a chuckle "Where and why did you get them?"

"I got them at the market. Some old man died and his family was selling the livestock. Only thing left was his chickens. Nobody up here wants chickens, they all think chickens are too crazy and hard to take care of."

Erwin raised one of his brows. "Then what made you decide to take on the little vermin?"

She gave a sly smile as she replied, "nobody likes the chickens, but everyone wants the eggs."

Erwin hung his head and laughed.


"He can really be scary Mr. Smith, I swear!" Athena said while filling up the tea kettle.

Erwin sat at the edge of her small table and shook his head in agreement. A playful smile was planted on his face. Every time he came here he felt like a new man.

"He can be pretty scary sometimes. But can you blame the man?"

Athena shrugged her shoulders as she sat down across from the commander. "I have no idea what you guys have been through and seen, just like how you two wouldn't understand anything I've been through."

"What could you even get yourself into in this small town?" Erwin was intrigued and finally saw the opportunity to learn more about the girl that occupied his dreams.

" You would be surprised..."

Erwin's voice turned to butter. "Go on. I have all the time in the world."

For a moment Athena felt something flutter up in her chest. Before she could even acknowledge it, the kettle started to whistle.

"Why would you care about me sir?" Athena teased as she stood up.

He rolled his eyes. "Can you blame me for being curious? This is the only break I get from my work. It's relaxing up here..." his eyes gazed over to the window.

He let out a sigh of relief.

"I suppose," she hummed in response.

"Why are you so alone up here Athena? You have this huge house and only you in it."

She picked up the tea kettle from the stove. The whistling stopped.

"Why are you so alone back here in the mountains? Do you want to be alone? Are you scared of something?"

The last remark hit something in Athena.


The pot slipped out from between her fingers and fell to the ground. Hot water was sprayed out from the impact, and burnt into her leg.

She fell over and let out a cry.

Erwin threw himself out of the chair and pushed his way over to her.

She winced as she grabbed her leg. Her voice cried out "It burns.."

Erwin saw that the water had caused her calf to swell up and blister almost immediately.

"Hold on, I'll be right back," he said as he rushed his way upstairs in hopes to find something useful.

Athena looked down at her leg and gagged.

She hated the sight of wounds.

She caught a sight of her leg again, and passed out from the sight of it on the kitchen floor.

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