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It wasn't until the late afternoon that Athena jolted awake. She didn't intend on sleeping as much as she did, but she couldn't pass out at the table again. It was starting to hurt her neck and back.

She rubbed her head. The faint lingering of a headache graced her brain for jolting awake so violently...and also because the weight of humanities future on her shoulders was not exactly a great feeling.

From outside, Athena heard the whining of a horse. She pulled herself from her bed and opened up her window. Erwin's and Levi's horses were making a fuss.

"When did they get here?"

Athena made her way out of her room and down the stairs.

"Poor things must be so tired and hungry."

She opened her cupboards and pulled out a basket of bright red apples. Before she knew it, she was already outside feeding the two equines.

Levi watched her from the window with tired eyes. He had woken up from Athenas footsteps going down the stairs.

The sun poured in through the window and glazed over his skin. The feeling of the warm sunshine gave him comfort. He closed his eyes and let the light wash over him.

"I hope you can forgive me..." Levi whispered to himself.

"He does Levi."

Levi turned around and found Erwin, who was leaning into the doorway with his hands in his pockets.

He made his way up to Levi and placed a hand on his shoulder. "If he knew what was at stake, he would understand."

"But he was just a naive kid..."

"There are sacrifices that have to happen for the betterment of humanity... you know this. He would understand. He of all people would. He knows that this freedom is worth fighting for."

Levi gave a nod and turned back to the window.

The two men watched as the horses ate apple after apple in an attempt to satisfy their hunger. Athena was laughing and petting them as she handed over one apple after another.

Erwin smiled and turned his attention back to Levi.

"She can't know about this..." Levi kept his voice low.

"I know. You might want to go wash up before she sees you." 

Athena eventually just dumped the entire basket of apples to the ground. The horses continued to eat as if they had not eaten in years. She gave a laugh and turned to go back inside.

"Erwin? Levi?" She called out as she walked back through the door. Erwin emerged with his hair in a mess and a smile on his face.

"Good morning sir." She smiled.

"Thank you for feeding those two out there. They had a long journey last night..."

"I'm sure you're just as tired as them, if not more so!" She said as she put a kettle on to boil. "I'm sorry I wasn't up to greet the two of you this morning."

Erwin sat down at the dining room table and ran a hand through his hair. "It's quite alright. I don't think I've ever opened the door to find you not asleep in the dining room."

They both let out a laugh.

"Except for the first time that we met." A voice came from the staircase.

Levi emerged with a towel around his neck and his hair soaked from the water.

"That was one hell of a meeting." Erwin admitted.

"You're telling me." Levi added.

Athena turned towards the men and crossed her arms. "And how exactly did you expect me to react? Two strange men barging into my home? That is definitely a safe situation."

"You didn't have to try and kill us with teacups." Levi stayed in his cool tone.

Erwin nodded. "I'm with him on this one."

Athena smiled, shook her head and let out a laugh. She turned away and started to pull out teacups for her and the men.

"So why exactly is the teacup your weapon of choice?" Erwin joked.

"I have a better question," Levi started. He was determined to figure out more about this strange woman that has somehow hidden under the radar for most of her life. He was hoping to add more pages to that file.

 "Why is it you have such a large house? I mean, you have all these rooms and you're the only one who lives here."

Athena stopped in her tracks. Erwin and Levi locked eyes for a moment before turning their attention back to Athena.

She slowly set down the last teacup. "My father was a wealthy doctor who preferred the country side."

Levi did not expect such an answer. He could tell that she was obviously uncomfortable and upset by the question, so he did not ask any further.

Erwin, however, pressed on. "So what about your mother?"

"She was a...librarian." Athena tried to keep her composure but she could not choke down her shaky voice.

"Are they... Are they gone?" Erwin asked pulling himself up from the dining room chair. Sympathy was woven through his words.

Athena held her hands in front of her in an attempt to comfort herself. Tears lingered in her eyes. She was trying her hardest to keep from completely breaking down.

"They would be proud of you Athena." Erwin spoke as he made his way over to her. 

He went to place his hand on her shoulder, but the tea kettle began to whistle.

She began to wipe away her tears and regain her composure.

Quickly, she picked it off the stove and turned towards the men. "Tea?" Her face was still twisted up in an effort to hide how upset she truly was.

"Only if you don't throw it at me first." Levi said trying to lighten the situation.

Athenas face turned to a smile as she shook her head.

Athena, Levi, and Erwin, all laughed together in her kitchen as she poured the hot water into each of the cups.

For a moment, the pressure of the world was off of her shoulders. And for the first time in a long time, her house felt like home.

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