It's Not Polite to Stare

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Athena was in the marketplace. She was finally selling all of the eggs that her chickens had laid. 

The people of the town watched her with a close eye because of the rumors flying around...

Erwin and Levi had not come up for several weeks. She figured they wanted to deter any more of the military police from snooping around. Also, now that the townsfolk started to catch on, they weren't exactly laying as low as they would like.

The one thing that did bother her, was the long period of silence between her and the men. She had taken comfort in their company the past several weeks. Since that stormy night, no one had bothered Athena at her humble home. But the long period of solitude made Athena head out of her home and to the market.

Many people were surprised to see her out and about. She was usually one to buy what she needed and to leave. However, now she was sitting in the sun with her baskets of eggs. 

It had started to get to a point where she often thought of the men. She longed for the next time they would come. Even if Levi was intimidating, and Erwin often brought along strange men or bloody noses, it was far more interesting than sitting at home in the quiet.

After selling her last dozen, she made her way back home.

She thought about if they would ever come back. Thoughts raced in her mind like horses. She started to worry if the men were even still alive. After the encounter with Lyons and Roman, they became well aware that the military police were on their heels.

As she arrived at her home, she discovered a letter had been shoved inside her door.

She ripped it open to find out it was written by Levi.


       It has been some time since I have spoken to you. I cannot explain why, but I felt the need to tell you what is going on.

       The military police have started an investigation into the survey corps. They wish to find evidence of conspiracy, and they hope to shut down our whole operation. As I write this, Erwin is in the capitol being interrogated by officials. I have not heard from him in several days. However, I know he's a smart man and can take care of himself. If those assholes think they can stop us, they surely are mistaken

       By the time you get this, I should be on my way to see you. I will be bringing company. So please, don't have a mess this time.


She couldn't help but laugh at his last sentence. But it did not take long for her to realize that Erwin was in danger.

That everyone was in danger.

She folded up the letter and walked through her front door.


Hanji and Levi dismounted their horses.

It was a cool spring night, and the moon illuminated the dark forest that surrounded the isolated home. Hanji went to knock on the door, but before she could, Levi shoved his way inside.

They found her asleep at the table. Not even Levi's loud enterance had woken her up.

Levi made his way to the study and lit a candle. The moment he sat down in the chair, was when Athena woke up...and came face to face with Hanji.

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