Human Blood Stains

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"Are you sure about this Erwin?" Levi asked standing in his office.

The two men were getting ready for their most important trip. They were finally going to be taking the documents to Athena to be translated. The only thing standing between humanity and her future was several hours of travel and the mere ticking of the clock.

Hanji entered the room and slowly closed the door behind her. In her hands she held an envelope. 

"Are you sure that she's ready?" She asked as she handed over the documents to Erwin.

Erwin slipped them into his bag and looked up to the two who trusted him the most. "I'm afraid that we are running out of time as we sit and speak. There are no more books or documents in existence that I could possibly reach to give to her. She is as ready as she will ever be. We just have to put our faith into her now."

Levi gave a reassuring nod to Hanji, who was visibly unsure of the girls capabilities. "The brat's got a brain. She can do it."

Erwin pulled his cape over his shoulders and gathered his bags. 

"It's time."


Athena received a letter on her front doorstep. When she picked up the letter to bring it inside, the seal decorated with the wings of freedom caught her attention. She knew what this meant.

She slowly tore open the letter, and sat down to read it.

My Dearest, Athena,

It has come time for you to pull through with your side of the deal. We will we arriving within the next two nights that you have received this. We expect the most from you. I believe in you.


Athena took a deep breath as she sat the letter to her side. It wouldn't be much longer before they were at her doorstep. Thoughts of failure ran through her head. The weight of humanity and her freedom was placed on her shoulders.

But if Erwin believed in her, then she could too...right?


The night was cold. The sky was bare. The mountains were foggy. The forrest was dark.

It was truly the worst night for travel.

Despite this, Erwin and Levi pushed on. Hanji was left behind with specific instructions in case any military police decided to start sniffing around.

The two men rode in silence. They kept their guard up as they could barely see a few feet in front of their oil lamps. 


Erwin immediately stopped his horse. Levi followed and focused his attention to the trees.

"They're here..." Levi growled.

Erwin dismounted his horse and put the oil lamp directly in front of himself. He tried to make out any bodies that might have been hiding in the trees that seemed to have swarmed around him.

"Hello?" Erwin called out.


Erwin raised his voice and became more demanding. "Show yourselves you cowards!"

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