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"Do you understand the gravity of what you are dealing with!" The priest screamed. "You filthy mongrels are set against humanity and her glorious walls in a horrifying conspiracy!"

Erwin stood in the court room and was stone cold. He had dealt with this before. He could do it again.

The people in the court jeered and screamed for such claims of heresy.

The judge of the court swung his gavel and the sound resonated off the walls. Silence swept over the court room.

The old man gazed down upon Erwin. "Are you aware of the town of Soldat?"

Erwin thought over his answers very carefully before the trial. He knew what they were going to ask, and where they hoped to catch him in a lie. So, he came up with a plan.

"Yes sir," he responded.

"And what exactly have you and your men been doing up in Soldat Mr. Smith? Not many people venture out into the mountains without purpose. Especially a man of your status." The judge sneered.

A man in the audience stood and shouted "He's guilty! He's working with the Titans! He's the one who's trying to bring down our walls!"

The people in the audience cheered. Erwin shook his head at their ignorance. 

Another swing of the gavel and the courtroom was silent.

"Sir," Erwin started. He then raised his voice to be as loud and clear as possible so everyone within the room would hear him. "I am the one who has put thousands of lives on the line for the betterment of humanity. I have put myself at the front line every time as I lead my men outside the walls. I have watched my friends die before my eyes. I have watched families be torn apart from those horrific creatures that plague us. If you believe I would ever turn my back to our people, you are sorely mistaken."

The judge glared down on Erwin. His smile faded away as his low voice accused him. "Answer the question Mr. Smith. Why were you in Soldat?"

Erwin paused and looked around the room. He carefully put his arms behind his back and straightened his stance. "Personal matters."

The judge let out an audible laugh. "Mr. Smith, this is not a game. You are aware that your life hangs in the balance of this trial, correct?"

Erwin nodded. "I risk my life everyday for the betterment of humanity sir."

The people in the audience began to murmur. What personal matters could the commander possibly have in a tiny mountain town? Was he slacking off from work, living off government funds? Was he leading a government conspiracy. 

The judge held up his hand to cue the audience to cease. Leaning over his desk, he peered down at Erwin.

"What personal matters wait for you in Soldat, Mr. Smith?" He said through his teeth.

"A woman."

The court fell silent.

The judge was taken aback at the statement, just as everyone else.  "A woman?"

Erwin kept his eyes on the judge. "Yes sir."


Athena was up the moment that sun peaked over the horizon. The bags under her eyes were a result from her late night reading, but after the sun poured through the windows and lit up the room.

After lying awake for a while, she gave up on sleep. She got up and got dressed. After slipping on her shoes and tying up her apron, she walked outside. Her basket sat on the side of the porch where it always had been. Picking up the basket in one swift motion, she leapt into the grass. 

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