Chapter 8

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A few weeks had gone by and Eunha and Yoongi only got closer and closer. Sometimes Jimin felt as if he was only a spectator of their lives. Jimin had ended up moving into the guest bedroom in Yoongi's house and he had just started a new job as a dance teacher to younger kids.

The week was nearly over and Jimin came home to see Eunha sitting on Yoongi's lap doing work. Jimin still got a bit mad everytime he saw them sitting together but he had gotten used to it. He started walking to his room but got interrupted by Yoongi calling him to sit down.

'We have some big news,' Yoongi started. Jimin was ready for the worst.

'Eunha's moving in!' He exclaimed. Jimin tried to calm himself down, after all this girl was just trying to get all up in Yoongi's pants. Yoongi didn't realise that though. He nodded and walked into his room and sat down at his desk trying to think.

If Eunha moves in then they will just become closer and closer, and i can't let that happen! He thought. Wait why can't I? Why do i always get mad when i see them togther? I don't have a crush on Eunha do I? Nonononono im PRETTY GAY.. then.. Yoongi? Jimin sat up straight and realised. It all made sense now. How was he so dense jeez?

He was pretty sure Yoongi didn't feel the same though, because he was always so lovey dovey with Eunha there was no way. But he had to try. So that's what he did.


He had been trying for days to get Yoongi to notice him like he used to but it never worked. He payed too much attention to Eunha. She had just moved in and they never left each other's side. Jimin saw and heard everything the did. Yes, he heard EVERYTHING.

He was getting pretty sick and tired of his attempts not working but little did he know Yoongi had been eyeing Jimin just a bit more these past few days.


Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months where nothing happened between the two guys, other then the casual conversations. On the other hand, Eunha and Yoongi were officially together. And Jimin had to suffer.

Everyone noticed Jimin's change. The kids he taught, his coworkers, even Eunha, but she didn't care. The only person who was oblivious, was Yoongi. He was too in love with Eunha to notice.

Jimin was headed out to work and when he arrived he saw someone he didn't recognise.

'Hello?' he asked them. The man turned to face Jimin and Jimin felt butterflies in his stomach. He was so handsome.

'Hi my name is Jungkook. Nice to meet you im a new teacher here.' he said. Jimin smiled and they shook hands and talked for a while.

Jimin was gaining a lot of affection for Jungkook without even knowing it and as soon as he saw him dance, he was head over heels, or so he thought. Jimin had forgotten about Yoongi that day and he seemed quite happy with him on his mind.

The day was soon over and Jimin had talked to Jungkook a lot once he got home. Yoongi was obviously curious of why the younger was so active on his phone now so he asked him.

'What are you doing?' He asked.


'To who?'

'a guy from work. He's really nice.' Jimin said staring at his phone. Yoongi felt a spark of jealousy (a little bit of jealousyyy) but had to leave as soon as he came when Eunha called his name.

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