Chapter 1

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Hands shown from bedsheet to switch off the alarm. There she woked up with a hair mess amd with a Great Yawning. She straightly headed towards the washroom. Refreshed herself .  Put on the shoes and started for jogging.

At 7:00 am

"Good Morning" a sweet voice came which seeks the attention of her Dad who was busy in his daily News and Mom gave a smile to her

"Good Morning " they said in unison.

"Proud of you my sweety" aashish mehta said tapping her shoulder


"Maa...will be back freshing up.." avni said and went to her room.

After a good half an hour she is back. They had good breakfast chitchating.

"Ok..maa i am leaving..."

"Haa avni" Neela ma smiled

"Bye you"

"Bye you too..." said Aashish Mehta

In Commisioner office

"The case is delaying so long..." comissioner yells at the cops

"Sorry sir...but the criminal is not even opening his mouth...our treatment is least affecting him" said one of the police officer

"Don't you feel ashame to say this?"

The police team bowed their head down.

"I guess i should give this case to that team..." comissioner thought to give this case to the another team.


At police station

"Jai hind.." here comes our DD.

"Jai hind.."

"Avni mam...i got the information of Comissioner arrival"

This grabs her attention. She kept the file beside and looked at DD

"Good News...seems like we got another case.."

"Ofcourse mam..."

She smiled

Soom Comissioner arrived.

"Jai hind sir"  Avni wished

"Jai hind i came with new Case for your team...i know you are expect  Criminal Counceller...i want you to put your full effort. "

"Sure sir" she said with full of confidence

Comissioner left giving the files to that team.

"DD...i want all the info about the case imeadiately...and i want our team gathered her right after 15 mins" she said and seated on her chair peeping into her laptop.

DD submitted all the files and all the members of the team gathered for Meeting.

"Mam..the criminal will be surrendered to us by tomorrow" dd said and ended the meeting

"Well and may all go now" she smile

"Mam..i will drop you"

"No need DD i will go on by my car"

She took her car and moved to her home. On the way he saw a men standing alone. She stoped the car infront of him. And she was glaring at him.

"Excuse me..?" She called him. He came . Avni sitting in the car enquired him.

"Any problem?"

"Haa..thats my car was breakdown"

"Why so late?...where are you coming from?...are you drunken?"

"Excuse me...i am not that type off.." he replied correcting his coat while she raised her eyebrow

"I am from My office...and came from important meeting" he replied decently.

"Okay...may i drop you?" She asked. He seems like descent men and as a cop she should help others her mind chided.

"Thank you.." he peeped into her car

She glared him

"Wha...what happen?" He asked innocently

"Put on your Seat Belt" she ordered.

He quickly put oned in fear of her glare.

"😒😒😒" he glared her


"I thought you were a racer"

"Did i said you?"



"Nothing" he fakes a good smile.

He insisted and they reached his home

"By the way thank You soo much.."


She too left to home


So here is the first chapter❤❤

Haha i know you all would have expected Neil to be police. But our Lady don is police😎. A criminal counceller😌.
Enjoy our Avni- DD duo

Drop your reviews❤.

Much love


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