Chapter 5

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In night

Unknown person pov

Ek ek karke sabko main maar dunga....i will kill everybody. Par..Avni...I Love You....i never thought in my dreams that i will see you again.  I have lost you early Avni. But this time i won't. Par iska matlab yeh nahi hai ki...i will leave all those people. Never!.

Pov ends.

Morning in police station


"Avni Mam..."

"Sorry i am unable to come yesterday.."

"Mam..par...this case was closed by Mr. Gora Sir"

" on the earth its possible?" She was shocked to hear that.

"Mam actually Comissioner arrived after yesterday's incident...he incharged Mr. Gora sir instead of he collected the evidence...which we got easily....which provens that the death of the person's are SUCIDE...due to loss in company issue..." he said showing each and every evidence.

He shows a video proofs which he said that the others are also died due to the unbearable loss of the company.

"The post mortom report shows no proof of the case closed easily " he said to hee

Avni was in dilemma. She feels Fishy in this. She still even can't believe that this case was closed but what about that person who she saw in Neil's home. She still don't believe that. She want to stay in Khanna Industries for more little time predicting Neil may be his another target. These murder of Other company's owner panicked her.

Avni gets a call

"Kyaaa?...what happen to Neil?...wait i will be there within sometime" she grabbed her car keys and rushed to his office.

"Sunheri Neil?..."


"Sunheri..bolo..." her voice make Avni sweat more.

Sunheri pointed his Cabin. Her stepped were fast which she soon reached his Cabin and seems to Empty.

"Suprise...." he came behind her. While Sunheri laughs. She sighed seeing him and hell irritated on the other hand.

"Haha Avni...Your performance were so good at your first meeting...The clients told for another project too. So i have conducted a small lunch party today" he said with happiness and in excitement.

"Haa Avni..." she said and came near her. But Avni left there with great anger that she was in the state to break Neil's head for pranking her...a bold ACP.

"Areey..." sunheri said seeing her moving

"Kya yaar sunheri...your friend is quiet wierd..." he said and followed her.

She went to the cafe nearby.

Avni's pov

Why i am this much caring about him?. Why his closeness affecting him?...why i am sheding tears for him?

Pov ends hearing his voice

"Are you okay?" He said and took his seat infront of her

"You pranked me huh?😡"

"Areey but i told you a good news yaar..."

"Don't change the topic you Mr. "


"You are doing everything and asking a simple seriously?"

He didn't utter a word after that. He excuses himself from there.  After that reality hits her that she is overacting over a simple matter or i can say like a typical Girlfriend. She went to meet him.

To her shockness she saw him with a girl. She thought he would be sad for her scolding but he is flirting with some girl.

"Hey my friend Sara"

"And sara this is Avni"



They met and have good time chit chat. But her touching on Neil somewhat disturb Avni.

While she was driving back to home. She saw a man with a big black coat. She remainces of the same man who she saw in Neil's home. He is similar to the same man. His back is only visible to her. He soon got into his car by sensing someone presence around him. Avni was ready for a race to chase him. And the race begins.

His care moved to the empty farm house nearby followed by her car.

"Come out..." she shouted stepped into farm house.

"I said Come out...Who are you man?" Her voice is no longer sweet.

"Avni..." he whispered under his breath. "You can't stop me Avni..." he thought.

She is getting no response from him. She saw a door which was locked inside. She came near that and shooted on the lock.

"She has gun?" He thought and escaped through the window.

After the third time of the shot the door opens and she scanned the room which was empty.

"Ohhh...Shit!" She kicked the empty box nearby seeing the windows to be bare open.


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Much love


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