Chapter 8

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Asusual day went on. Neil on his work and Avni on her work. But one thing changed nowadays. Neil's chirps. He became a quite silent not disturbing her. But she really misses his Lame Jokes, His childhishness and what not.

She sighed seeing the walls of her room.

"What???" The sound pushed her to reality.

She jumped from the bed to see whats going on in living area

"How can this happen?" Aashish mehta speaking with glued shock reaction. He then put off the phone and sat with a thud.

"Papa..?" Avni called touching his shoulder

"Kya hua?" She asked

Suddenly her phone rings. Its from Dd.

"Madam jii...again Mr. David one of the bussiness men have comitted sucide...Comissioner is moving to the spot" he informed. While avni see aashish Mehta who were Bussiness Partners and more than that his friend.

"I will come" she said

"Papa...dont worry" she said pressing his shoulders.

They both reached their destination in some minutes. Avni started to search, investigate and started to collect the evidence. She searched nook and corner.

In his room she found his Laptop. She put on the gloves. And opened to her Luck it was already oned. She checks in and came to know he has faced some loss in bussiness.

"Madam jii..." dd came runing

"What happen dd?"

He shows the phone which Mr. David has record a video. He told that Due to big loss of my bussiness that too in illegal way he has gonna take this decision.

Avni feels something fishy.

After a day the case was closed due to self proof video. Aashish Mehta and Neela went out of town for some bussiness issue.

"So the next target is set...." the unknown man smirks seeing the flash news in TV

"Dd..i want the file of .Mr. david....Mr. Charles and Mr. Thomas " she asked the files of sucide case of three bussiness man.

"Madam jii...but this case has been closed and why.."

"No dd...something was happening inbetween...all were died due to loss of bussiness...but we can't find n which way. "

" madam jii...they done a illeagl bussiness then in which dare they would have kept the Proof" dd said to her.

Avni sighed and after sometime she started to her home in her scooter.

She was driving while her phone rings


"Avni...why you aren't shown up to office today?"

"Hmm vo...Actually i had a sudden plan today so i unable to come to office"

"Ohh..." he said


"Ok byee"

"Byee.. " they put off the phone

After some time Neil got a call


"I am coming..." he said and jerked from the bed. He got into his car and dashing to hospital

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