Ash Ketchum was thinking about if he should care about power of care about his pokemons. He was thinking it, standing on a tall cliff... The tallest cliff in Kanto, in fact... He was back in Kanto... 'Hey, you again...' a voice said from behind. Ash and Pikachu turned behind just to see Cross and his Incineroar! Cross was his rival who tried to stop him from meeting Ho-oh but failed. 'Meeting you after such a long time...' he said, narrowing his eyes. 'yeah, we are meeting after such a long time!' Ash happily said. 'Let's battle...' Cross said 'I am stronger now!' Ash smiled and agreed. 'Pikachu, battle him!' he said. Pikachu smiled too as he was ready to battle the Incineroar! 'If I cared about power, I would send out my Lapras... but I care about my pokemons more, after all...' Ash thought with a smile 'Pikachu would want to battle Incineroar since it seems excited, so why should I break his excitement and expectations? Winning doesn't matter, fighting with fun does!' Suddenly he yelled "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" Pikachu did use Thunderbolt but Incineroar swiftly dodged it. Cross smiled as he said "My pokemons are even stronger now, you loser... Now I will teach you a lesson you never learnt... to care about power more than Pokemons! I cared about power and left my weak Charmander to die in the cold rain and that is the reason I got another more powerful fire type and became STRONGER! That is what matters!" 'I will prove you wrong!' Ash yelled 'Iron tail!' Pikachu used Iron tail and that hit Incineroar but that did nothing. Instead, it just used Darkest Lariat on Pikachu. That almost threw Pikachu off the cliff. It is at this moment that Ash realized they were BATTLING on... A CLIFF! He widened his eyes as he slowly murmured "Ohno..." Pikachu used Electro Ball but that did nothing to Incineroar. 'Now, time to finish the battle!' Cross yelled 'USE OVERHEAT!'Incineroar used his full energy for Overheat and out emerged the scary fire out of it's body. The fire hit Pikachu and hurt it very badly but it also pushed it on the edge of the cliff... It lost it's balance and was about to fall off when Ash caught it. He sighed. Suddenly Incineroar jumped and used Fury Swipes on Ash's hand. That hurt his hand and suddenly Pikachu slipped away from his grasp. He looked down with a terrified look just to see Pikachu hit it's head on a rock... Blood was coming out from his head... Then it fainted and went away with the flow of the river and fell into the waterfall... Ash just widened his eyes... He could not believe what just happened... Pikachu... was... dead... 'Sorry Ash, but had to finish off the battle...' Cross said with a smile 'Only if you took out a Pokemon with type advantage, this wouldn't have happened... Learn from me, don't care about weak and useless pokemons like your Pikachu and my stupid Charmander... Power is everything...' He walked away from there... 'I... just... lost... my Pikachu... just because I didn't care about... winning...' Ash thought, his body trembling and his eyes shaking 'He is right.... Power IS everything... Power... Power... Power... Power... POWERRRRR! AHHHH! PIKACHUUU!' tears started dropping from his eyes as he got up. 'Hehahuhahahhehuhauah...' he murmured. He took out his Lapras. 'Use Ice Beam on those two!' he yelled pointing at Cross and Incineroar... Lapras froze both of them before they could do anything... 'Now, body slam...' Ash said... Lapras was shocked. It didn't want to do it. 'Do as I say or I will throw you in lava...' Ash yelled. Lapras was shocked... It had no other choice. It used Body Slam, destroying the ice and the lives of a pokemon and a young trainer... Ash smiled as he saw it... Then he retracted Lapras as he gave a psychotic laugh "HAHHAHHAHAHAHA! FINISHED! HAHAHHAAHHAAAA!"

Ash Ketchum: Path To A Mastermind
FanfictionAsh Ketchum is a loser in front of the eyes of the people in the Pokemon World. Maybe it is because he cares for his pokemons more than power... Maybe he should have cared for power all along... Read the story to find out how Ash became the Evil Mas...