Ash returned to the Team Empire building. 'So let's get into our space ship for the first time and get to Hoenn to catch even more legendary pokemons!' Nerdy said with excitement. Ash just said "Okay..." as he got inside the space ship. It was HUGE from inside but none of that bothered Ash. 'I wasn't able... to kill... Serena...' he thought 'What is wrong with me? Has the Mastermind inside me FAILED? No, I cannot let that loser Ash Ketchum win in front of the great MASTERMIND! NEVER!!!' He sat on a seat of the spaceship. The rest of the Team Empire members got inside it too. It was so spacious that everyone easily fit in. There were two drivers for the huge spaceship and so they started pulling the levers and the vehicle started flying high up in the sky! 'The next time I meet Serena... I shall... Kill Her...' Ash thought. The Mastermind smiled as they flew to Hoenn... The Mastermind was winning... He was not a loser like the old Ash Ketchum who cared about pokemons, after all... After some hours, they finally reached the Hoenn Region! Everyone had fallen asleep by then, except Ash and the drivers. Ash got up from his seat to take the view of the Hoenn region from above. He smiled. 'The old foolish Ash Ketchum rejected an offer for becoming a Battle Frontier... right in this region...' The Mastermind thought. He woke everyone else up and all of them got down... They were finally in Hoenn! The quickly got to catching pokemons instantly and caught Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Salamence, Flygon, Metagross, Aggron, Milotic, Glalie and many more... 'Now take me to the location of Kyogre and Groudon...' Ash said as he revealed his plan 'We will not catch them instantly... We will cause a fight between Kyogre and Groudon.... Then Rayquaza will come to see what's happening... At that moment I will throw my master ball at Rayquaza and catch it... And then I will use Rayquaza to catch Groudon, Kyogre and DEOXYS!' Ash smiled. They quickly went to the location... The Mastermind's plan to catch then Hoenn trio and also an alien pokemon was just... Perfect...

Ash Ketchum: Path To A Mastermind
FanfictionAsh Ketchum is a loser in front of the eyes of the people in the Pokemon World. Maybe it is because he cares for his pokemons more than power... Maybe he should have cared for power all along... Read the story to find out how Ash became the Evil Mas...