Tobias had only one pokemon left. Ash had three pokemons left. 'Time to bring out my ultimate weapon...' Tobias said as he brought out his Darkrai. Ash was fearing this pokemon the most... It did not matter how powerful the opponent might be... Darkrai would put it to sleep... To only option was to escape it's Dark Void... Ash took out his Primal Groudon. Before it could do anything, Darkrai threw a black and dark ball at it and used Dark Void on it and put it to sleep... Then it used Nightmare! It had an ability of Bad Dreams too... Then it used Calm Mind three times and then finally Dark Pulse. With all of that combined, Groudon fainted. 'Okay, so I will have to take out a speedy pokemon...' Ash thought 'But... ugh... How do I even escape this Darkrai's wrath... I only need to avoid Dark Void... Defeating it is pretty easy since Darkrais are known to have pretty bad defense... And Tobias won't be a person to use Sash... He is not a loser...' Tobias smiled, looking at Ash. 'Wait, can a flying type be affected by Dark Void?' he asked himself 'Let's check it out!' He took out Ho-oh. Ho-oh was too angry to fight, instead she backfired on Ash and used Steel Wings on him. Darkrai and Tobias both laughed. 'UGHH, you annoying bird!' The Mastermind yelled. 'That's your fifth pokemon...' Tobias said. Ash remembered of his Charizard and how he lost because of that pokemon in the Indigo League... 'Darkrai...' he began 'Use Dark Void on that thing and give it the worst nightmares that you have... GIVE IT THE WORSE NIGHTMARES!!!! UGHHHHH!!!' Darkrai laughed but still it obeyed Ash and used Dark Void on Ho-oh. He was going to do it anyways. And then he started giving Ho-oh dreams of the Legendary Beasts betraying her and joining Lugia and then Lugia beating her and then her getting caught by Ash and being tortured at the Team Empire. Darkrai used Dark Pulse to finish it off... The Mastermind had anger filled in his eyes as he retracted Ho-oh... 'Let me get you to Team Empire and then... ha huehehahhauahuaheheheu...' he thought. He then took out his last pokemon- Mewtwo. 'Cynthia gave me this...' he said as he took out the Mewtwonite Y out of his pocket. Tobias widened his eyes. 'She had got it in Unova or Kalos when she was travelling other regions but...' Tobias said 'WHY DID SHE GIVE IT TO YOU??' 'She said she had no need of it and I deserved it because I was power...' Ash answered 'See, if you are powerful you get rewards...' 'How did she not see the gun in his hand?' Tobias thought. 'MEWTWO, MEGA EVOLVE!' Ash yelled. A white light glowed all around Mewtwo as he Mega Evolved to MEGA MEWTWO Y!

Ash Ketchum: Path To A Mastermind
FanfictionAsh Ketchum is a loser in front of the eyes of the people in the Pokemon World. Maybe it is because he cares for his pokemons more than power... Maybe he should have cared for power all along... Read the story to find out how Ash became the Evil Mas...