Ash had now picked up the Master Ball... A smile spread across his face... 'Now, after I clone this a hundred times I would be able to catch any legendary pokemon in the WORLD!' he thought, a grin still present on his face. Suddenly all the pokemons started screaming and attacking them. The members battled the wild pokemon while Ash just smiled, looking at the Master ball. Team Empire members had defeated all the wild pokemons... That is suddenly when a mysterious pokemon with purple aura came towards them, levitating... It had white skin and a long pink tail... It was Mewtwo... Ash looked up. 'Ah, Mewtwo...' he said 'You are the most powerful pokemon in Kanto... But still you choose to protect these WEAK pokemons... Join me and my powerful team which will soon take over the world! Humans have created you so you should serve humans, not these weaklings! Come in the Master Ball, Mewtwo...' Mewtwo narrowed its eyes and slapped the Master Ball away from Ash's hand. A Team Empire member quickly picked it up. 'Oh, looks like you want a fight...' Ash said, taking out his Kyurem... 'Use Shadow Claw to weaken Mewtwo, then finish it off with Shadow Ball...' Kyurem did just as Ash said and Mewtwo got damaged a lot. But the legendary pokemon showed no sign of accepting defeat. Ash smiled. 'I like your determination, will help me, your master, in battles...' he said as he took out his Gengar that he had caught earlier. Gengar used Confuse Ray and that confused Mewtwo. It tried using Psystrike but hit itself. 'USE DARK PULSE!' Ash yelled. Gengar finally used Dark Pulse and weakened Mewtwo a lot.Ash quickly took the Master Ball and threw it at Mewtwo with all his might. It hit the pokemon and captured it within no time... Ash smiled... 'MY first legendary pokemon... is now captured...' he thought 'I became a lot stronger now... Right at this moment...' He bent down and slowly picked up the Master Ball... He retracted back his Gengar and Kyurem... Mewtwo was now the pokemon of Ash Ketchum...

Ash Ketchum: Path To A Mastermind
FanfictionAsh Ketchum is a loser in front of the eyes of the people in the Pokemon World. Maybe it is because he cares for his pokemons more than power... Maybe he should have cared for power all along... Read the story to find out how Ash became the Evil Mas...