The Dream

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As we both slowly start to calm down, he pulls away. His face is a soft pink, and we both look away as I sit on his lap. "This should look so wrong..." I ponder.

Just as I think that, the door knocks. Shouto picks me up, leaves me to be, and answers to the door. There's only silent talking. "Okay. Thank you." Shouto says at some point, and comes back with some chips and sweets. He drags me to his bed, and turns on the TV which is right across. I didn't see that there before. We sit out shoulders touching, and he turns on Netflix. He finds an anime I love to watch, and it turns out that we left on the same episode.

As we watch, I slowly drift off to sleep. My head falls on Shouto's shoulder and my world goes black. This is his left side, and it's warm.

(Shouto Special POV)
She is sleeping peacefully on my shoulder. I pick her up bridal style, and put her on the big bed. I tuck her in, and get in myself. She is snoring softly, it's...cute. I'm acting out of character. What's wrong with me?

She kicks the bedding off her and yells "No! Shouto help me!" In her sleep. I shake off my sleepyhead and hold her in my arms. "Shhhh" I say. "Just a dream. It was just a dream." I brush her h/c hair with my fingers. It's soft, her hair. How can someone so pretty, also be deadly dragon? She gasps for air and sobs in my shoulder. "I'm here. I'm here." I whisper. What is this? Why am I in bed with someone I met this morning?

I hug her to sleep. As she drifts off again, I snuggle up to her and sleep, too.

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