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Todoroki sits on my back on our way to the academy. It's a long walk, but a couple of minutes flight, meaning we are going to fly there. I'm used to the pointing fingers and gasping voices, just like him.

I land on the school yard softly. He jumps off and I transform back to my usual body. Someone bumps into me. I see Todoroki shoot a look at whoever they are. "Hm." I ponder. "Is he...protecting me?" He gazes in my eyes. "Y/n." He says. "Bend down and transform. It's going to get ugly here." His voice is so steady and cold that I hesitate. He nods at me with a stern face. I do as he says.

He reaches out above my head as I crouch down on the floor, and hits something behind me with ice. I transform and get on his side. He jumps on my back, it's a usual thing for us now. I take off in the air and ready my plasma blast.

Down below is a weird looking creature. It is fluid, and green. I growl at Todoroki. "That's What I was thinking. Shoot them like the old sign, love." I shoot the plasma blast at the fluid creature. It splashes around the yard, and I see every single piece of it try to regroup. I screech lowly and grunt. "Get out of this area, people! Leave right now!" The students start scattering as I ready my area blast. It can kill anything alive in a area of my choice, as long as it's not too big for me to cover. I screech and burn the yard to the ground. "W-what?? What can't you do, y/n?" He asks. I chuckle and land on the ground. The fluid thing isn't dead, but it's hurt badly. I could kill him if I wanted to, though.

Todoroki gets off my back and I transform again. All Might is there, watching. He gives us a double thumbs up, and I smile at him.

As we walk inside, I remember what he said to me before I burnt the creature- probably a villain. "Shoot them like the old sign, love." It hits to me like a bullet. "Love?" I think. It's our second day together. Second, not even 48 hours yet. We are early, and Todoroki drags me around until we get totally lost. "Sho-Todoroki? Do you want me to find it?" His cheeks have a pink colour on them now. "B-but y/ already did so much." He says in a low voice. I sigh. "Okay then."

He grabs my hand without looking at my face, and drags me through the crowd. As we weave the students, I can sense him getting even more tense than before.

As I spot the classroom across the hallway, I take the lead. We get in the classroom. I'm panting, because I'm shorter than him and it's hard to keep up with his long legs. He looks around the room, and chooses a spot for us.

"Todoroki." I say, still out of breath. He smiles at me in the empty classroom. "I. Am. Short." I snap at him. "It's hard to keep up with you, you know!" He laughs softly, and touches my chin, lifting my head up to look at him. Our faces are inches apart. I gaze into his eyes, and he gazes in mine. We stay like that for a moment. I watch the blood rush into his cheeks and paint them pink as we look away. I hang my backpack at the back of my seat, and sit next to him.

We wait in silence. He looks at his phone and shows me some photos he took while we flew. There are some good views he captured of the city, and some of them are just my broad, rich black wings or tail. There's a photo where he captured his legs and my tail. It looks iconic. I sigh. "I could just take off and never come back, eat fish and stuff." I mumble. "But you wouldn't, would you?" He asks. I didn't realize he was so close to me, listening. "No." I say. "Don't be ridiculous."

As the time passes, more students come in and out. I see Izuku and hug him. He points at Todoroki with his eyes. "Are you a...thing yet?" He asks. I blush dark red. "N-no-What? Of course not we just met a day ago..." he grins at me, hair green eyes glowing. "I saw you two flying yesterday night, and this morning you burnt the yard and almost killed the villain with him." He punches me playfully. "I get that you're holding back, but both of you guys shouldn't." He suggests, and walks off with a brown haired girl.

I see Kacchan across the room, and hold Todoroki's arm immediately as a reflex. He looks up from his phone and takes off his earbuds. "What is it?" He whispers. "Katsuki....he's here. He..." he nods and shushes me with his finger. "I get it. Leave this to me." He pulls me in closer to his chest. "Act with it. He's scared of me." I let my head drop on his chest and look at his phone with him. He's editing some of our photos. I chuckle. "Add some blur to the background." I say, as Kacchan passes us. I try to go back to my seat and not cuddle with Todoroki no matter how much I enjoy it, but he holds me closer. He wraps his arms round my shoulders and smiles at me like I said something cute. The whole class is just staring at us, and I hide my face in my hands. "No need to be shy." He whispers, leaning in and getting closer to my ear. "We will keep this act up for a while at school."

The class starts, Aizawa Sensei tells us what we are going to be today. I take notes as he tells us about the grading system. First, we will have PE. I hate PE. I don't even know if they will let me use my quirk.

We walk to the gym, and Todoroki's warm side is always touching me in some way. He's holding my arm as we make our way to the changing rooms. I find All Might in the crowd, tell Todoroki where I am going, and leave.

All Might looks surprisingly excited for the class. I ask him if I can use my quirk. He allows me, so I don't have to change. I sit on the benches along the wall and wait for Todoroki.

As I wait, looking at my phone, an angelic voice talks from behind. "Where's your sweatshirt?" I turn to see Todoroki.

He is there, but shirtless. "Oh...uh- in my backpack. Why do you need it?" I hand it to him. He wears it over his bare, sunkissed but pale skin. I smile.

We start off with a cardio, which is a flight for me. As All Might tells us the class plan, he also introduces me to the class.

"This is y/n. She interesting quirk. She came in from recommendations, and, well, she is- why don't you demonstrate, y/n?" He invites me near him. I go up there, and transform. I growl lowly as the chatter rises.

"Stop." Todoroki says, cutting everyone off. "Stop it." His voice is as cold as always, but I sense the emotion I couldn't before. It's the urge to protect. "He really does care about me after all." I think. I screech loudly. He smiles, understanding that I said good job.

They start their run, and I fly through the obstacle course of hula hoops up above. They want me to shoot through the loops, fly through them, dive or fly up on command.

At the end, as they start with their stretches, All Might asks me to do the flashiest trick I can think of. I growl and screech, trying to tell him that I will need a human. He looks at me like I grew a second head. I look at Todoroki helplessly. He comes up to All Might, and translates for him. He nods.

I land as they finish their stretches, waiting for Todoroki. He still has my sweatshirt on, and black looks really good on him. He finally finishes his stretches, and walks up to me.

Todoroki X Reader: When Pure Black Meets Half WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now