A household for two

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I have a nightmare where flames burn my wings and then out of nowhere Todoroki kills me. It's pretty weird, and I get up panting. He's looking at me. "What the hell what time is it...?" He mutters. I look at the clock. 6 AM. "You know how to read a clock, right? Eight there on the wall." He looks at the clock and goes back to sleep. I go downstairs to prepare the breakfast. I see that he's better today.

I fry some eggs and bacon, and toast some bread. I also make the mini-croissants my mother was used to bake. I put some jam and cream cheese on the table and serve the meal. "Get up, Todoroki!" I yell from downstairs. "Todoroki refers to both of us, missy!" He yells back. I chuckle. "Get down here breakfast is ready." In a few moments he's coming downstairs with a messy hair. His white and red parts are mixed together, and it looks nice actually. I don't comment on it.

We sit down and eat breakfast. We don't talk too much, but i ask him if he's feeling better. He says he is but I can sense that his wound still aches. "Go get a shower after breakfast, and then we will have to face your father. He still sees me as a monster because I am one." He shoots a look at me. "You're not. And, he's your father in law. Get used to it." I wonder where this confidence boost came from, but it's nice having around and him claiming stuff like that.

He goes in the shower and I do the dishes, laundry and do a quick clean up. As I clean the living room floor, he comes out of the shower in his PJs. They are just plain white ones, and mine are too, so you can't tell which ones who's. He gets the cleaning tools from me and tries to take over the cleaning. I tell him to go upstairs and sleep some more, and send an ice pack with him. He sighs but does as I say.

As I wipe off the last spot, I wipe off the sweat drops from my forehead as well. This house is too big to clean all by myself. I go upstairs too, and let myself fall on the bed. "What are you doing?" He asks as I fall on the bed on my stomach. "Resting. Ignore me." He lets my hair and pulls me on his lap. I let my head drop on his shoulder as my eyelids get heavier and heavier...

I'm really tired but don't sleep for some unknown reason. I listen to his breathing and then get up, because I have to fold the clothes and put them in place.

I take the basket of unfolded clean clothes upstairs, sit down on the floor and start folding them. After some time, Shouto joins me. "Hmm. How do you do that? How do you fold a sweatshirt?" I show him how it's done. "No-no what happened to the arm parts?" I laugh at him. He tried to help me but he can't even hold the sticks properly, so I let him be. I have to refold everything he folded at the end.

When we are finally done folding and other chores around the house, we discuss what we are going to do.
"I say we go to your father, tell him why you weren't home yesterday."
"You know what he will do? He will lock me in my room and put Hades in charge as my guardian."
"Ah, I am a dragon."
"Yeah, sure, go ahead, kill a god."
I chuckle.
"Okay; what about this? You save me from that hellhole and I live here with you?"
I look at him to see if he's serious. He does look stern, but you can't be sure because he's always stern.
"It's okay with me, you're always welcome, but your father will-"
"Screw him. I'm deciding this with my free will."
I nod.
"Well, alright then. We will need the rest of your stuff from your room. You go there while I make this house for two." He nods. I give him a short ride to the main floor and head back up.

First, I add blankets and one more pillow to the bed. I empty the towel closet on the left of the bed, and put the towels to the bathroom closet. I text him that I'm mostly done but need to go grocery shopping.
>hey Shouto I'm going grocery shopping the keys r under the mat
-no u r not did u ask me first
>nah and I'm not gonna
-I like it
-c u at the store.

I sushi and leave the house on foot. I walk to the market and buy some fruits, milk, cereal, vegetables and meat. There's absolutely nothing as snacks so I buy some chips too.

As I pay and carry the groceries out of the store on my back, I choose to fly home. I see Shouto down below and shoot a small blast in front of him. He looks up and waves at me.

I land near him and transform. He picks up the groceries for me, and we start walking home. "So," he starts. "How did the organizing go?"
"It's went okay. Apparently I already ha demoing room for another person.
"I was thinking about getting my computer, TV and console from my house."
"And mount them where?"
"We could carry the desk too?" I sigh.
"Well, alright. We will get them today, but you will stay here and put the groceries in their places." He nods. I can't let him climb all these stairs, so I give him a quick flight to our apartment. He thanks me, and I fly off towards his house.

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