A morning with you

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I wake up. It's 4 AM, meaning I still have time to change of sleep. As I come to my senses, I feel an arm wrapped around me, and a body parallel to mine. Everywhere smells like Shouto, and I feel his breathe on my neck again. He wakes up with me.

"Morning." He says. "Its 4 AM. Why are you up?" He shrugs. "Why are you awake?"
"I'm a dragon. It was supposed to be my hunting hour now."
"That can't be your excuse for everything."
I chuckle.

I don't have my uniform with me, but he has his sisters old skirts in his closet. He lends me one of his polo shirts and her skirts, and my black boots cover up half of my leg as usual. We move silently and don't talk as much.

We have to go to school, but he asks me if we can go on a ride and I say yes because I need my backpack from home. I take off from his window and we fly swiftly between the buildings.

As we reach our destination, I feel that he is more comfortable flying than he is on ground. He is...tense on ground. I land on my balcony, transform, and shove open the doors inside. My backpack is ready on the sofa. As I pick it up, Shouto looks inside. "So, this is where you live?" I nod. "I don't remember which number though. It's been sometime since I used the stairs." He smiles sweetly, with that angelic smile of his.

We take off for the school after that. He lays down on my back and I take my time to get there. We have a couple hours before we can even get in the school property. I glide around a building just to waste time. UA is right ahead. He talks up. "Can we dive, like, really fast?" I growl and dive as hard as I can. I feel the rush of the wind and can't even imagine how it's like for him. He holds on my neck and he is rather fortunately strong so he doesn't fall off.

As I open my broad wings to not hit the floor like a rock, he gets tenser by second. He doesn't likes being here, that's obvious. I growl lowly and transform. He looks at the ground. "Todoroki?" I ask. "What's wrong?" He sHkes his head. "Nothing. How much time do we have?"
"An hour and a half." He looks up at the sky so dreamily that I'm sure he can fly by himself if he tried hard enough. I hear someone from behind say something to some other person. All I hear is "dragon" and "endeavours son" but it's enough to understand what they are talking about. I transform, pick Shouto up and throw him on my back gently, and fly high above the clouds.

"What is it?" He asks, forgetting I can't talk. I screech angrily. "I heard them too. I thought you couldn't talk!" I dive to the sea, flying half as high compared to before. "If he can hear...that means I'm bonded with him..." I think. "That's weird." I growl loudly and screech, meaning that I will strike to the metal wall of the unused sign. He looks thrilled, but is also excited so I dive to the sign, and blast a plasma ball through it. Then, I shoot it a few more times and puncture a hole I can fly through. I speed up towards the hole, close my wings and twist as he sticks his body on my back. We get through the hole and he lets out a gasp.

"Woah. Didn't knew you could do that..." he confesses as we head back to the academy.

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