Lifeless Eyes, First good bye's

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I see Kacchan fall down as they try to combine explosions and hardness quirks. I smirk. Hn. That idiot. Todoroki shoots me another look. I don't know what it is, but it's dark for all I know. He pulls me to him, and wraps me with his arms. I get comfortable and pull some blankets on us.

"So." All Might says, near the end of class time. "Looking at the results, Y/n and Todoroki are the best duo in class. You will have another opportunity to show what you can do as a duo later. Dismissed." He waves his hand at me, telling me to come near. I do as he says, passing the other students sleepily and leaving Todoroki to sleep alone.

"Young Y/n, I suggest you don't use your quirk this openly." He warns. I nod. "We've been over this, All Might." I state. "It's been...years. Years I lived alone. You weren't there that time. You don't have to be by my side anymore." He nods, knowing he made a mistake. I sense footsteps behind me. I feel a cold hand on my shoulder. "Todoroki..." I think. He pulls me for a hug from behind. I smile.

-time skip to the end of the day, Todoroki's POV-

The last bell rings as I pack my notebook up and shove it in my backpack. Y/n is staring at the board blankly. I wonder what goes on in her mind. She looks dreamy, like she's asleep with her eyes open. I look at her h/c hair. It seems to glow in the bright light of the classroom. Her eyes are lifeless. I feel heat run through my whole body. I'm...concerned. I don't like this look in her eyes. I touch her arm. She doesn't seem to notice. "Y/n?" I whisper as the rest of the class leaves. She shakes and comes to her senses. "Oh. Is it home time already?" She asks in her angelic voice. I nod. "Are you Okay?" She looks at the ground. "I don't want to lie to you, Todoroki." She mumbles. "I'm...scared." She isn't looking at my face. I can see how hard it is for her to confess. "But y-you are a dragon...y/n." I whisper. She grins with pain. "But that can't be my excuse for everything, right?" She says. Swinging her backpack over her shoulder, she gets up. "You see, my mother...was lost to protect me. My dad, too. My quirk is dangerous." She gazes in my eyes. "I don't want to drag you down with me, Shouto-kun. I can't let you get involved in this." She has tears in her eyes. "No...don't leave me..." I whisper in a low voice. She transforms into the beautiful dragon form and takes off from the window.

I walk home thinking about her. I'm not sure if she will be okay by herself. I can't let whoever that is threatening her get near her. No. That will not happen while I can breathe.

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