USJ part II

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As the "special course" comes into sight, I realize we are going to the USJ. I don't talk up, though. Todoroki looks thoughtful. I watch the world out of the window as we fork closer and closer, finally stopping before the gate.

I get off second last before Todoroki. We still haven't talked and it's getting weirder by seconds we pass without a sound.

I look around. The USJ, as expected, is enormous. I see different places inside the building, and wonder which one I will be going in. They all look impressing. I stare at Todoroki for a moment. He Shiite a look back, but doesn't gaze in my eyes. I understand the concern. We can't let our guests down, we are still rivals. Being the best duo, or living together doesn't means he's going to go easy on me.

Sensei Aizawa stands at the edge of the stairs going down the central plaza, and the famous Rescue Hero Thirteen stands beside him. I look around. All Might is nowhere to be seen. "Today you will be doing rescue training with Thirteen." Aizawa Sensei explains. Some students whisper that the place looks like USJ. "You see, there are different zones in USJ. Ruins, Landslide, Mountain, Conflagration, Flood and Downpour zones are all in this one facility. All Might will be joining us later."

Some of the kids gasp. "It's actually USJ!" They day in unison. I shake my head. "Dumbasses...where else could it be? Also it's written right there above the door, dammit." I get frustrated over the fact that these people aren't even aware of their surroundings. Todoroki puts his hand on my lower back. "Don't be mad." He says in a straight voice. "They can't help it." I look away and squeeze my jaw. What kind of sorcery is this?

At last, Aizawa Sensei leaves the speech to Thirteen and she tells us about her quirk: the black hole. It can easily kill, and she owns up to that, warning us to be careful with our quirks.

While she talks, I notice chunks of black weird matter appear and disappear in the middle of the USJ. I see a warp gate open, and they match in.

As I see the hundreds of villains walking towards us with this eerie look on their faces, I watch Aizawa Sensei jump down in teh crowd without hesitation. "I'm leaving this to you, Thirteen." He says, and disappears into the crowd of villains. I know he's fighting them off, but how long can he hold them? We have to move. I look at Todoroki. Clearly, he didn't expect that either.

I hold his arm. "Don't leave my side." He whispers, and I sense something powerful form my back. "Fuck." I say as I turn to see this warp gate guy. He has this swirly black stuff all over. I can see two metal pieces inside. I can sense his power. This weirdo looks at us. Thirteen steps towards him, between all of us and him. "Stay behind me!" She orders us. I step near her anyway. Todoroki frowns as Thirteen tried her quirk on the warp gate guy.

It doesn't work, and he looks like one of those villains from comic books who explain why they are there who they are and other stuff. I don't see the point in that. You don't have to give names? You are a villain and you worry about not giving names or providing information?

Anyways, the guy tells us that they are called The League Of Villains and their ultimate goal to kill All Might. I grin. "Sure. And I want to be a princess." I mock with him in my mind. The guy expands and surround us all by himself.

Thirteen goes in a hopeless second try of her quirk, but Kurogiri, we know his name because he told us, opens two portals, one before and the other behind her. He accidentally uses her own quirk on herself. "Clever move." I think. Todoroki steps near me.

Kurogiri looks at us and before I know it I'm in the Landslide zone with Todoroki. "What the fuck?" I say as I see the villains standing before us. I transform and roar at them. They stumble towards us.

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