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"I said, leave. L/n, I demand you leave in an instant." The boy is now more angry than ever. He clenches his fists, and without looking, shouts. "I said leave, dammit! Don't you see you're just making it worse than it has to be? It's over. We're over, we're fucking over! Now go away! You...." his voice drops and he looks at me. "You monster!" I shake my head. That...I understood that part. He is calling me a monster. Why should I protect someone that calls me a monster? I should kill them both. "Go! Leave! Leave, DAMMIT!" He's shouting at me.

I disappear in an instant. In less than a second, I'm out of the house. The cold is now all over me. I can sense everything better, but my thoughts are getting blurry. I have to get somewhere safe now. Right fucking now.

I fly to the cliff before the abandoned sign. I transform the second I hit the ground.

My head hurts. I'm breathing so hard that I'm almost choking on thin air. I can't move, let alone speak. Everywhere, it hurts to touch. It hurts to feel. I have a killer headache and I want to puke out my internal organs, and oh, oh my god, there is school tomorrow. And I'm sitting next to him.

~the next day, my lovely readers~
I get up. It still hurts badly, but I can move. At least. Pulling out my drawer, I see a single piece of clothing that stands out.

It's a halfway burnt polo.

I take it in my hands, and press it on my nose to smell the fresh smell of my lov-

Well, ex-lover. I sit there for a moment, but then get up and ready for school. "Oh Lordy, this is going to be awkward. I wonder what happened back there." My mind is still a little blurry, but it's okay. It's better than not being able to understand what they're talking about.

I take the train to school. I don't stand out, but I know at least five people in this car knows who I am.

"All thanks to Dragon Masters." I mutter. Yeah, dragon masters. The people who gave me a special licence and let me use my abilities as I want. It's like a provincial licence, but better. It's a special licence for all transforming type quirks.

The exam is harder, too. The masters never went easy on me, but at least they were all too gigantic to move and turn like me, so at the last part, the five-versus-one battle, I won. Using they size and number against them.

As the train passed buildings and heads towards the school, I watch the city pass. I don't want to use my power. It is dangerous for me to do so for a few days. But to be sure and safe, I will wait a week until I try again.

Todoroki X Reader: When Pure Black Meets Half WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now