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Mick POV

I heard Sid's familiar ringtone go off in his jacket pocket, just as we started recording his part for the new album. I frowned to myself as I looked through his jacket, finding nothing but half smoked blunts and cigarettes. The phone stopped ringing, making me grunt in frustration, I give up. He needs to clean his fucking jacket out sometime, that's fucking disgusting.

Not twenty seconds later his phone rang again. I located it, in the inside left pocket, and the caller ID said 'Mini Me', with a picture of what appeared to be a mass of dyed red hair in his arms. What the actual hell?

"Hello, Sid's phone." I answered, brushing my hair out of my face with my left hand.

"Mick!" A feminine voice yelled into the phone, causing my to pull it a little ways from my ear in shock. Then, a loud sound could be heard, followed by a loud scream.

Holy shit, I'm talking to Lucille!

"What the hell was that?" I asked, feeling adrenaline start to pump through my body.

"Help! He's trying to get us!" She yelled.

"Lucille! Somebody fucking call nine one one!" I yelled, putting the phone on speaker so everyone could hear what was going on.

"What is going on Lucille?" Corey asked, jumping up from his spot on the recliner.

"Dad! Someone is in the house!" The voice of Griffin yelled.

"Fucking shit!" Corey yelled, throwing the his seat across the studio before punching the wall.

"Someone is on their way!" Shawn yelled, his phone to his ear.

"Dad! Tell them to hurry their asses up! We can't hold the door much longer." Simon yelled.

"Fuck!" Griffin yelled as another loud sound was heard.

The sound repeated itself, perhaps even louder than before.

"Lucille!" The voices of Simon and Griffin yelled.

"What! What the hell happened?" I yelled, grabbing my jacket and keys for my car.

"Lucille got hit in the head! Holy shit!" Simon said, before yelling.

"Fuck! She's bleeding a lot!" Griffin yelled, his voice sounding like it was moving.

At this I ran out of the studio and jumped in my car, Corey and Shawn close behind me. Please don't let me be too late.


"Ready?" Shawn asked me through the microphone.

"Yeah, roll it." I replied, adjusting my headphones.

As the song played, I messed with my set up, perfecting the sound as the song progressed.

I saw Mick start to go through my jacket outside the room, throwing the contents of my pockets on the ground. I rolled my eyes and looked back down at what I was in here to do.

A minute or so later I looked up to see the whole studio in utter chaos. Shawn was on the phone and Corey was throwing something rather large across the room. Mick was standing in the doorway of the building, putting on his jacket with his keys in hand. He looked like he was going to either shit himself or kill someone. Hell, the way he looked said he could easily do both. And Shawn and Corey didn't look much better.

Suddenly, all three of them ran out of the building and got into Mick's car.

"What the hell?" I threw down my headphones and ran out of the recording room, the song still playing as I ran after the three men.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked as they got into the car.

"We'll explain everything on the way. Just get in the fucking car." Corey basically yelled before he slammed the car door. I got into the passenger seat and nearly shit myself when they had explained everything to me.

"Can't this thing go any faster?" I yelled, my heart in my throat.

"I am nearly doing ninty miles an hour Sid! I go any faster this cheap ass rental will explode!" Mick yelled, quickly jamming on the breaks before jerking the wheel onto the house's road.

The house came into view and police were in the front yard, all with their guns in hand. When we pulled into the drive way, the police told us to stay back, but me, in all my idiot glory, ran passed the police line and into the house.

The guys was barly fast enough to keep up with my determined and experienced dancers feet, weaving their way between scattered officers. Only when my feet were crossing over the thresh hold of the house did Mick catch up with me and grab my forearm.

I looked back at him to argue, but he just pointed forwards. I followed his finger and saw what he had seen, what my anger blinded eyes had hid from me.

There were seven officers escorting a large man, who had nearly the same body build as Mick, except this man was taller. He had a look in his eyes that did more than frighten me, it shook me to my bones. I could almost feel the insanity rising off of him, in waves much like the water in the ocean. The thing that frightened me the most about him was the fact that he was covered in blood.

"Make way please, we need to get him into police custody as soon as possible." One of the officers said. They passed us, and more officers went in followed by paramedics.

Following them, I discovered that the door at the bottom of the stairs was in ruins and just barely on it's hinges. When we made it into the basement, I was instantly mortified by what I saw.

Blood covered the surface of nearly everything within six feet of the door. At the other side of the room was Griffin and Simon who looked very shooken up, but despite the small gash in Griffin's head, they completely looked fine. Their fathers ran up to them, sounding relieved that their children were nearly fine.

The paramedics were gathered around a rather bloody figure in the corner of the room, pulling them onto a stretcher. Then it hit me.


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