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The ambulance ride to the hospital was short, but it felt like someone had unhinged the gateway to hell. Lucille had stopped breathing twice, leaving the paramedics with no choice but to connect her to the vehicles life support.

On arrival, she was rushed out of the ambulance and straight into an operating room, leaving me alone with the strong smell of disinfectant and my thoughts.

About an hour later, all the guys had arrived and were anxiously awaiting the news of Lucille's condition. Griffin sat next to me, quietly assuring me that she was going to be fine, but sounding like he was attempting to convince himself more than he was trying to convince me.


I awoke to someone lightly, but forcefully shaking my right shoulder. Opening my eyes, I was relieved, but also alarmed, to see a man in a doctor's scrubs, looking like he was straight out of an operating room.

"Are you the guardian of Lucille Wilson?" He asked, wiping his forehead with the wrist of his smock.

"Yes! Is she alright?" I ask, quickly standing up to receive the news.

"She is fine. Just a mild concussion and a small fractures to her temporal bone and Zygomatic process, as well as ribs nine through twelve on the left hand side. " He replied, smiling his nearly flawless doctor smile.

"What?" I asked after a few seconds. The only thing that I understood in that sentence was concussion and ribs.

"She has a few small cracks in her skull, about right here, here and right here. And her last three ribs at the bottom." Griffin said, pointing to my temple, my cheekbone and the lowest region of the left side of my rib area.

"Exactly." The doctor said, smiling at Griffin in amazement.

"How did you know that?" Corey asked, looking at his son in wonder.

"I payed attention in my Anatomy class." He replied shrugging, as if it was obvious that he would know from taking two semesters of a Biology class, leaving the room slightly speechless.

"Her room number is four-thirteen. She should be fine when she wakes up." The doctor said, ending the slightly awkward silence.

"Thank you, sir." I said, shaking the man's hand. The man quickly walked away, almost as if he were frightened away by the huge group of men in his waiting room.

"To room four-thirteen!" Griffin yelled, flinging himself out of his chair and down the hallway.

"Griffin! Wait for me!" Simon yelled, taking off after him.

"I guess we should follow them." Joey said, nearly sprinting to keep up with them.


On arrival to the room, Lucille was still asleep from the surgery, but she had been taken off of life support. We sat there for at least half an hour, listening to the steady beating if the monitors, before a new grumbling sound could be heard. Looking up, I realized it was Griffin's stomach.

"Hungry?" Corey asked, laughing at his stomach.

Griffin opened his mouth to say something, but his stomach beat him to the punch and inhumanly growled louder.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat. Anyone want anything?" Corey asked, looking around the room. A chorus of yeses and pizza filed the room.


"I'll take two puddings." I replied.

"Two?" Shawn asked, a smile pulling at his lips.

"One for me and one for Lucille when she wakes up." I added, rolling my eyes.

After Corey, Griffin, Shawn and Simon left to get every one food, the room was once again plunged into silence.

The only sound was the now endless beating of the heart monitor and the occasional yawns of Mick, Chris and Joey, while Craig sat silently reading something he brought form the waiting room. Jim and Alessandro had gone home to get some sleep and told us to call if anything happened.

After a while, the monitor's beeps increased in speed and pitch, making me shoot out of my chair in alarm. Lucille had woken up, but she was clearly not happy. If anything, she looked as if she were going to cry.

"Lucille, calm down. You're okay!" I said, my week old fatherly intuition taking over.

"W-where are they?" She asked, panicking.

"Who sweetie? Who?" Mick asked, making his way to the end of her bed. I didn't even question his choice of diction, she was genuinely having a sort of melt down.

"Simon and G-Griffin!" She choked out, looking around the room with tears falling down her face.

"They're fine! They just went to get some food, baby!" I said, finally understanding the situation. We have hardly been able to separate those three since they met, and the last time she saw them there was a lose psychopath trying to get into the basement. I hugged her, and she clung onto my abdomen with such force you would have never guessed that she was in pain.

"Lucille!" A chorus of voices yelled from the doorway. She released me from her death grip, only to hug Griffin and Simon.

"Thank the Gods you guys are okay." She whispered, tears falling down her face, much like water from a waterfall.

"We're fine! Just a little shaken up." Griffin replied, pointing to his bandaged temple laughing.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay." She whispered, barely audible over the mass chaos in the room.

"We brought you pudding." Simon said, holding out a chocolate pudding cup for Lucille to take.

"Thanks guys." I said, wiping my face and laughing as I took the pudding cup.

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