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The whole band had seen the video at least a dozen times by the time we had started to eat at the local Pizza Hut. Joey couldn't stop watching it, he even asked Simon to send it to him.

"I can't get over how perfect that was." Joey said, laughing as he watched the video on his phone yet again.

"The past is the past, so get over it." I muttered, feeling my face heat up slightly.

"Awe look at them! Little midget buddies!" Jim said, making the whole table roar with laughter, leaving Joey and I to give them all death glares.

"Fuck off." Joey muttered under his breath. I hugged Joey's shoulders and brought him closer to me.

"We may be short, but that means that we are closer to hell. Meaning, we could easily kick all of your asses." I finished for him, making Joey's soda shoot out his nose. The majority of the group roared with laughter, but Sid seemed very out of it.

"Hey Dad. What's up?" I asked, waving in front of his face in attempt to get his attention.

"What- nothing. I'm fine, we just need to talk when we get home." He replied, looking down and picking at his food.

"Ooohhh, Lucille is gonna get it." Griffin sang in a mocking voice, leaving me with no other choice but to throw my dirty napkin at his face.

In reply, he just smiled and laughed.


"Lucille... There is something that I need to talk to you about." Sid started when we got home.

"If this is 'the talk', don't worry about it. Last foster family kinda took care of that." I replied, making finger quotes around the talk.

"No! That's not it, but that is good to know." He replied laughing.

"Alright, good. Because that was a very awkward day for me." I replied, flopping onto the couch.

"Lucille... I have no idea how I am going to say this, so am just going to tell you as bluntly as I can. The orphanage called me this morning at the studio and set up a court date. The state wants to take you away from me." He replied, his voice growing more monotone as he progressed.

I sat up, my throat feeling like it was closing in on itself and tears threatening to spill.

"What? Why?" I nearly yelled, my emotions getting the best of me.

"They believe that I am unfit to be a parent based on my past."

"They have no idea what the hell they are talking about! You put a roof over my head! You clothed me! You fed me!
Hell, a few seconds ago I thought thought you were going to give me the talk! You are the closest thing that I have had to a family since my mother died in that fucking accident!"
By now the tears were falling down my face and into my lap at a violent pace.

"I tried Lucille, I really tried. I'm sorry." He said, his head in his lands.

"I guess that counts for something. You were the only one who ever did try to keep me." I replied, leaning my head on his shoulder as I wiped my tears away.

"I won't let them take you. I will fight for you." He replied, taking my hands in his.

"Honestly... That's all that I could ask for."

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